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NY: Locals Divided Over Plan To Take Guns Away From All Domestic Abusers
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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"They are convicted of a felony, yes, I believe they should not have their firearms. They should be taken away. But just to blanketly say that any misdemeanor will make you lose your firearms for life, is not right," said Morse.
Morse says there are different levels of misdemeanors and not all should cost someone their firearms. Lewis County Sheriff Mike Carpinelli agrees.
"An instance where there are words that are shouted, there's a cell phone that is thrown, a door is kicked in, that is no reason to take somebody's Second Amendment right away," said Carpinelli.
This is just the first of several proposals the governor hopes to unveil next month as part of his State of the States address. |
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According to leftists, criminals, including rapists, murderers and other evildoers are amenable to rehabilitation and release into society, but an emotionally charged shouting match (and doesn't the risk of losing the relationship add fuel to that fire), where both parties controlled their anger and didn't escalate to violence is suddenly cause for a lifetime suspension of a Constitutionally protected Right. Maybe they're just fearful of what they might do with a firearm and are engaged in classic projection of their own flaws and fears onto others, thinking, "Hey, if I murdered someone, it'd somehow be justified, because I 'care'... but if one of those evil guys who actually wants to have a gun exhibits any level of anger..." |
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What's next, burning the Reichstag? |