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SC: South Carolina Law Would Make Kids Study Second Amendment for 3 Weeks Every Year
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: www.marktaff.com
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In August of last year, a 16-year-old high-schooler in Summerville, South Carolina, turned in a creative writing assignment about shooting his neighbor's pet dinosaur. The school's "zero tolerance" policy for guns prompted a search of the student's belongings that turned up no weapons. Nonetheless, he was arrested and suspended for what he said was a joke, if one in questionable taste.
South Carolina state Rep. Alan Clemmons hopes to use that incident to force public schools to dedicate three weeks each year to teaching a gun-focused curriculum developed or recommended by the National Rifle Association. |
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The real question: Exactly what will they be teaching? Will it be drivel or accurate history. Will the actual meaning of the Amendment be clearly set forth, or will they distort and bury it?
Will they bring forth the State Constitutional provisions that clearly show the Right to be one of the individual, and for the expressed purposes of self-defense, defense of one's home and family, defense of others, acquisition of game (hunting), for sport, and for other lawful purposes?
Or will the class material be taken from the Heller dissent, where learned scholars declare that the Right does not apply to the individual, and the phrase "shall not be infringed" allows for all kinds of licensing, fees, taxes, and other forms of prior restraint? |
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When I taught 5th grade American History I had to take some white out and an ink pen to rewrite the description of the 2nd Amendment in all 32 student textbooks. |