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The NRA's Congressional Influence Is Bad. Its Judicial Clout Could Be Worse.
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
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After a gunman used an assault weapon to kill more than two dozen parishioners in a Texas church, just weeks after the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history, President Donald Trump declared it was too soon to talk about guns. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said it was time for prayers, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., offered condolences. Advocates for stronger gun laws, in turn, urged Congress to find the courage to stand up to the gun lobby. |
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"Stand up to the gun lobby"
The NRA gets is power from its ability to inform and motivate millions of voters, not from its ability to donate massive amounts of money to favored candidates. The donations that the NRA does make are relatively insignificant sums in the world of modern politics.
As such, it's not the "gun lobby" the antis want politicians to stand up to... it's the American people. "Standing up to" the people who elected you is not how a representative democracy (republic) is supposed to work. |
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1) The United States is a Republic, not a democracy. . 2) The author decries the NRA as if it is some one guy, like Soros, funding massive bribes to politicians. It isn't... it is a representative association formed of thousands upon thousands of individuals, with small membership dues, but a specific purpose: preserving a Right enumerated in the Constitution. . 3) The Constitution (as written) is the Supreme Law of the Land, and all Courts are commanded to recognize and abide by that, regardless of his wishes. . 4) The Constitution has an Amendment process, if he wants to seek repeal of the Second Amendment. . 4) A lawyer should have learned Constitutional Law early on... this guy's ignoring it. |
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What the left fails to realize is that there is no 'gun lobby'. The NRA owes its clout to the half of America that supports their God-given right to possess the means of self-defense.
The NRA is not, like the left's organizations, a loud minority attempting to force their ideas on others. It is an organization of the majority defending their rights from those who would trample on them.
Gun control is inherently evil, as are those who propose it. |