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MI: Facebook Kills Michigan’s 2A Sanctuary Movement Over FBI’s Dirty Kidnapping Case
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Currently, he said, more than 60% of all Michigan counties have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries, but the number would be much higher if Facebook hadn’t scuttled the movement.
“Michigan was on a roll. They were killing it in terms of creating Second Amendment Sanctuaries. Michigan was going to be the next Kentucky, and then Facebook shut them down. Not only did they shut down their main page, they shut down their sub groups and personal pages too – killing family photos and decades of personal posts,” Davis said Friday. “They completely gutted their command and control, and 100,000 Michiganders who were working in concert to spread the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement were shut off overnight.” |
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Fascistbook is just one organizing tool, and yes it's deep state controlled, but this notion that they couldn't organize without farcebook is disturbing on a number of levels. |