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EEOC to Gadsden Flag Lovers: Shut Up or Face Costly Lawsuits
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Those who defend or minimize the EEOC’s decision say that it was not definitively declaring the cap’s wearer to be racist, citing the EEOC’s statement that “we are not prejudging the merits of Complainant’s complaint. Instead, we are precluding a procedural dismissal that would deprive us of evidence that would illuminate the meaning conveyed by C1’s display of the symbol.”
But that misses the point. Even if the cap’s wearing did have a veiled, racist meaning (which seems extremely unlikely), the EEOC still had no basis for demanding an investigation, as the Title VII statute only covers harassment that is “severe or pervasive,” not subtle or ambiguous. Defenders of the EEOC’s decision simply ignore the “severe or pervasive” requirement. |
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Can we get "Black Lives Matter" banned from the workplace as racist also, then? |
Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would. — JOHN ADAMS |