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If it comes down to Jeb v. Hillary, who do gun owners vote for?
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"... [F]or Second Amendment activists, the question might boil down to this: If the choice is between Jeb and Hillary Rodham Clinton, who gets your vote?"
"Of course, there will be many a stubborn person who casts what has become known as a 'throw-away' protest vote for some third party, not-a-chance-in-hell candidate. In that case, election veterans will explain, it’s really a vote for Hillary. Every vote directed away from Bush is one handed to Hillary in that kind of a match and everybody with functioning gray matter knows it." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Color me stubborn and stupid then, because I will forever refuse to vote for "the lesser of two evils." If the GOP wants my vote they will nominate someone with principles who will not just "work to protect" my 2A protected rights, but will actively work to repeal and remove unconstitutional laws and regulations which strangle those rights. |
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COLOR ME PRACTICAL. Your attitude is how we got that idiot McAuliffe in VA |
Comment by:
Mike the Limey
It should be noted that had ALL the "other" votes been given to the Republicans in the last Presidential election, it still wouldn't have affected the outcome. Vote for what you believe in, not the lesser of two evils, because doing the latter gets just that; a form of evil. The greater the "protest vote", the greater the chance of change being brought about. Look at the UK: In the 2015 General Election UKIP returned ONE MP with 12.6% of all votes cast but it's policies have suddenly become important to BOTH the major parties. |
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For me, the deciding factor isn't so much what the candidate says, but who the candidate will appoint to his staff and cabinet positions.
And while I expect that Jeb would appoint some people I would find problematic, the people Hillary would appoint scares me silly. |