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UT: Gun rally smacked of fascism
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
is 1 comment
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People openly carried guns, even assault rifles, to the recent gun rally at the Capitol. The reason for brandishing guns is hard to fathom. The purpose for holding a rally is to make a statement, a democratic way of clarifying a group’s position on an issue. The question, then, to the armed participants is: What exactly did you have in mind? What is the unarmed citizen to think? Are the guns meant to intimidate, to bully the majority? That’s not democracy, that’s fascism. |
Comment by:
This Henny Penny characterization is ridiculous. Look up the word "brandish."
Merriam-Webster: Definition of brandish (verb) transitive verb
1: to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly "brandished a knife at them"
Had anyone actually "brandished" a weapon they would have been arrested, as they should be.
But no one was arrested, because no one "brandished" a weapon.
Go find a "safe space," snowflake. The real world is not so insular. |