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How To Save Your Life If Active Shooter Strikes Office, Classroom
Submitted by:
David Williamson
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If someone is trying to hurt or kill you in an office building, or school, would you know how to save your own life?
Law enforcement and self defense experts say you need a plan to run, hide, or fight.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office released a video earlier in 2015 titled “Surviving an Active Shooter.” In the video, deputies say, “If you stay calm and think clearly, even in the middle of a life and death event you improve your chances of making it out.” |
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Running away makes sense if you have that chance, but won't work in a crowded environment where everyone else is trying to do the same.
Otherwise, the only effective defense against a sicko killer with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.
Avoid victim disarmament zones, and your likelihood of being a shooting victim decreases considerably. |