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AL: Concealed-carry bill holstered for now
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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When it comes to regulating firearms, Alabama really doesn’t have much common sense.
This week, there was a spark, albeit a small one, in the Senate Tourism Committee. The committee rejected a bill, sponsored by Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, that would have allowed residents to carry concealed weapons legally without a permit.
This was a bad idea from the outset, but the gun culture in Alabama loved it. No longer would the gun lovers have to pay their local sheriff for a carry permit. While the fee for the permit isn’t prohibitive, the supporters of so-called “constitutional carry” believe their right to carry and hide their weapons is covered under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. |
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Constitutional Rights are to be served by the state, not suppressed by it. No law abiding citizen should be charged a license fee for, and taxed by the State, in order to exercise a Freedom granted by the Federal Constitution. |
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This bill would only remove the burden of paying a fee to obtain a license to carry. It does not grant carry privileges to prohibited persons that in many cases ignore the law and carry guns anyway.
Constitutional carry has not been a problem in any of the 12 or so states that have already passed it and it would not be a problem in Alabama. |
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According to this schmoe, rights are only rights if the government ALLOWS them to be. |
The congress of the United States possesses no power to regulate, or interfere with the domestic concerns, or police of any state: it belongs not to them to establish any rules respecting the rights of property; nor will the constitution permit any prohibition of arms to the people; or of peaceable assemblies by them, for any purposes whatsoever, and in any number, whenever they may see occasion. —ST. GEORGE TUCKER'S BLACKSTONE |