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If My Kid Needs Active-Shooter Drills, We Need Common-Sense Gun Laws
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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Nobody needs a semiautomatic weapon for the purposes of hunting or self-defense, and the fact that these killing machines are as accessible as they are to anyone speaks volumes. The Republican party, which currently controls the White House and Congress, is heavily influenced by the endless coffers of the wealthy and powerful National Rifle Association (NRA) — in direct opposition to even the most common-sense gun regulation. Those who have the money have the say in this administration. And as long as our lawmakers value funding above humanity, and we the people sit back in complicit silence, nothing will change; we just wait for the next slaughter and hope nobody we love is caught in the firestorm. |
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Actually, the gun supporting members of Congress support gun rights because they understand that gun control only restricts law abiding citizens and has no affect on criminals.
Over half the country agrees with that position. It is the liberal snowflakes that don't understand the situation. |
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Non sequitur.
One has nothing to do with the other.
Even Diane Feinstein has admitted that there is no law, extant or potential, that can stop a loony from becoming an active shooter.
But, logic isn't Democrats' strong suit. |