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Annie Get Your Gun
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://keepandbeararms.com
are 2 comments
on this story
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As intimidating as guns can be, that is no reason to avoid them, says Karen Kevelson.
“Ignorance is a dangerous thing. If you become more educated, you become more able to make a decision,” said the Marion resident.
Kevelson was one of 24 participants in the National Rifle Association’s Women on Target program, held at the Sippican Rod & Gun Club on Saturday. The all-day program gives women a foundation in safe gun use, hands-on training and qualifies participants to apply for a License to Carry or a Firearms Identity Card.
Comment by:
"Cynthia Casner, 81, shoots a pistol at the NRA Women on Target program[.]"
No, she doesn't. She shoots a REVOLVER.
Pistols load the round in the breach. Revolvers load the round in the cylinder.
Comment by:
P.S. - Unless they are ready to carry a gun on their person every minute of every day, everywhere they go, they should siddown and shaddup.
/sarc |