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MI: Police chief, schools superintendent disagree on arming teachers
Submitted by:
Corey Salo
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The vast majority of teachers and students don't like the idea of guns in schools, Superintendent Nikolai Vitti of the Detroit Public Schools Community District said on Thursday, but Detroit Police Chief James Craig believes there should be exceptions.
Craig and Vitti did agree during a Detroit Policy Conference panel discussion Thursday that arming teachers is not the answer to the nation's struggle with school shootings.
"The difference in our country is the easy access to weapons," Vitti said. "Weapons are used to kill people. Why... are we allowing weapons to fall in the hands of children? ... I say adults in general, but especially children. Adding more guns increases likelihood they'll be used." |
Comment by:
The problem with prohibiting guns in schools is that it doesn't work. It doesn't stop the bad guys and when they go into a school with bad intent there is no way to stop them.
I blame all these school shootings on the liberal gun banners that have created these victim disarmament zones. |
Comment by:
The "anything but guns" meme is idiotic, spoken by people whose core ideology includes the belief that nobody should have guns, at all.
This is a radical view painted by the left as "mainstream", but it is anything BUT. In fact, this republic was founded upon the opposite philosophy.
The Chief's view is more in line with sage strategic, logical, constitutionally sound thinking.
A confidential number of authorized persons, be they teachers, administrators, other staff or a combination thereof discreetly carrying arms and in a perpetual training regimen to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing risk is the most probable way to insure an acceptable mien of safety.
If that doesn't constitute a "militia", then nothing does. |
Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE |