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The Left’s Disconnect On Gun-Free Zones
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: http://libertyparkpress.com
is 1 comment
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This feature appears in the April ‘17 issue of NRA America’s 1st Freedom, one of the official journals of the National Rifle Association. I’m no expert on so-called “gun-free” zones. In fact, I leave that title to researcher and author John Lott, who you will find answering several questions on this very important topic this Thursday. |
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Folks on the left have a severe disconnect from reality, basing much of their policy on how they'd like things to be rather than how things ARE...
This leads to policy statements like: . We can prevent shootings in given areas by posting signs prohibiting firearms. . We can declare ourselves female even though we have a penis and are genetically male. . We can proclaim a "right" to have somebody else work on our behalf and collect welfare, while at the same time decrying slavery. . We can pass laws preventing cruelty to animals, causing them any pain at all, but would never interfere with a mother's "right" to have her unborn child dismembered and pulled, in pieces, from her womb. . We can read the 2nd Amendment to ban your right to arms.