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Moms Demand Action Founder: ‘The NRA Is Losing’
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"In a New Year’s Day interview with Salon magazine, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America founder Shannon Watts said the media is misreading things — Moms Demand Action is not losing, but the NRA is."
"According to Salon, Watts suggested 'the NRA and the gun lobby in general' succeeded in controlling gun debate language in a way that gives those defending the Second Amendment the appearance of victory. In reality, however, she says the public actually supports the gun control lobby’s position over the NRA’s."
"Watts says the NRA also seizes on differences between racial and ethnic groups and 'exploit [divisions] within different communities and manipulate information and try to paint a picture that’s not accurate.'" ... |
Comment by:
Watts's up with this ? Like others of her ilk, this pundit's zeal leads her to engage in blatant "transference" of her, (and their) MO to millions of law-biding, (and actively supportive of police) americans. Accusing them of the "dirty deeds" these power-greedy groups employ as SOP.
Watt's up with your group not targeting the criminal use of guns in our minority urban areas ? Watt's up with you not supporting federal prosecution for "felons in possession" ? Watt's up with you not insisting gangs and gang violence need to be addressed at its source - our borders ? |