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Gary Johnson is in Favor Of Armed Teachers in Classrooms
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
is 1 comment
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Remnick then tried to hit Johnson with a common point of contention between 2nd Amendment supporters and anti-gun advocates, armed teachers. Johnson, however, maintained his stance that guns are good.
“I’m not going to tell teachers whether or not they should have a gun in the classroom. Come on, man,” said Johnson. “If a teacher would deem that to avail the classroom of potentially being secure, or if the teacher were to deem that something that within their own purview they might prevent an atrocity if it were to occur, I would support the teacher in wanting to be able to do that.” |
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Too late Gary. We all heard you when you said you wanted to ban semi-auto rifles. |
I have seen an American general and his officers, without pay, and almost without clothes, living on roots and drinking water; and all for LIBERTY! What chance have we against such men! -- young British officer to Colonel Watson describing the American militia rebels in Georgetown, SC [Source: 'Marion, The Life of Gen. Francis Marion' by M. L. Weems, Ch.18] |