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TX: Killing of Houston robber is not cause for celebration
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: www.marktaff.com
are 2 comments
on this story
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The myth of the “good guy with the gun” is most often deployed as a cudgel to distract from the fact that guns in this country are most often not used for self-defense, but for crime, escalating grievances from petty to deadly, and generally providing easy opportunity for people to shoot themselves and their relatives, friends and coworkers either on purpose or, as is tragically frequent, on accident. |
Comment by:
It's not a myth. It happens far more often than a gun is used to commit a crime... but you only want to count a defensive gun use if someone gets shot. Most of the time, it doesn't come to that.
Yahoo is a cesspool of leftist yahoos these days. There's not even much reason to dignify their inane prattlings with a serious answer. It's a bunch of monkeys throwing stinky things around, except that actual monkeys are smarter and better able to use logic. |
Comment by:
It's not a myth. It happens far more often than a gun is used to commit a crime... but you only want to count a defensive gun use if someone gets shot. Most of the time, it doesn't come to that.
Yahoo is a cesspool of leftist yahoos these days. There's not even much reason to dignify their inane prattlings with a serious answer. It's a bunch of monkeys throwing stinky things around, except that actual monkeys are smarter and better able to use logic. |