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MI: Guns don’t kill people; people kill people
Submitted by:
Corey Salo
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Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.
The title of this piece might be the only sentence about guns that advocates on both sides of this issue can agree upon… until they start listening to one another.
Admittedly, I am not a gun expert and have no desire to own a gun, but I’ve taken the time to research, ask questions, and consider what it would mean for Delta County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County, as Commissioner David Moyle is proposing. The most important thing I did while writing this article was calling Mr. Moyle. We had a polite conversation about a controversial issue; would you believe there is a lot we agree on? |
Comment by:
"It is unnecessarily divisive and breeds paranoia about liberals taking guns away, which is not based in reality."
Andrea is either ill-informed, or willfully ignorant. There is ample evidence that gun confiscation is the ultimate goal. She and others may argue that banning a class of guns doesn't ban them all. The Supreme Court has invalidated that argument already. Banning classes of arms "in common use" is unconstitutional.
Her ridiculous question about using "assault weapons" to hunt or for home defense assumes that the answer is no.
Again, she is uninformed or willfully ignorant.
I'm sure she is a very nice gal, but opinions like hers are unworthy of consideration and should be summarily dismissed. |