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Below Comments Relate to this Newslink:
NJ: Christie blames Dems for N.J. gun laws, cites delay in handgun sale to slain woman
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
is 1 comment
on this story
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"Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday said he regrets that New Jersey 'is not yet a dictatorship' that would allow him to scrap the state's tough gun laws."
"The Republican governor also said Democrats in the state legislature 'are going to have to answer' for New Jersey's laws, mentioning the death last week of a New Jersey woman killed while awaiting a handgun license."
"... Christie was responding to a question from a man concerned about the murder of a Berlin Township woman, Carol Bowne, 39, who feared for her safety and applied for a gun license in mid-April, but was killed by her ex-boyfriend in her own driveway during the two-month long licensing process." ... -------
Submitter's Note: A 2 month process even though state law requires that officials reply within 30 days, under penalty of . . . not a G-d-damned thing! |
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The usual Christie bumpf ! Until the Browne tragedy Governor Christie turned a deaf ear to strident pleas by NJ gun owners and victims of NJ's arcane gun laws. For the record Governor Christie has never called for, or urged NJ legislators to re-examine or amend NJ gun law. Ever ! |
"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral" |