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‘Smart’ Guns Damaged by Dumb Rhetoric?
Submitted by:
David Williamson
Website: libertyparkpress.com
is 1 comment
on this story
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Right out of the gate in his opinion piece about so-called “smart guns” in the New York Daily News’ Sunday edition, Washington Ceasefire’s Ralph Fascitelli perpetuates the false impression that “gun violence” somehow accounts for the “almost 34,000 Americans (that) die from firearms annually.”
Fascitelli knows that roughly two-thirds of annual firearms-related deaths are suicides, not criminal violence. That’s why Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, has been a driving force in creating a “Safer Homes” suicide prevention project in the Evergreen State. |
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in anti gun countries, trains and gravity are popular for suicide: japan: liveleak.com/view?i=4b4_1488137587 Suicide under a train Girl jumps under a train on a railway crossing
ukraine or russia (one ukrainian said, "even go to jail for a found war relic", but I see that wikipedia says unregulated...doubt there's no gun control there):
liveleak.com/view?i=7a6_1340706013 Russian mother killed her two sons, aged 4 and 7, by throwing them from 15th-floor balcony because she was ‘fed up’ with their behaviour
liveleak.com/view?i=f86_1488151433 Woman Throws Her Two Cats, Her Son and Herself From 8th Floor Rating: Mature Audiences Only! Woman Throws Her Two Cats, Her Son and Herself From 8th Floor |