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Addled Clinton Confuses SCOTUS Decision With Gun Control Ad
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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What the District of Columbia was trying to do was to protect toddlers from guns. So they wanted people with guns to safely store them and the court didn’t accept that reasonable regulation. But they’ve accepted many others, so I see no conflict between saving people’s lives and defending the Second Amendment.
Um…what? Nowhere in the case are toddlers mentioned. She must be confusing an actual SCOTUS case with the Brady Campaign’s “Toddler’s Kill” ad.
In fact, the Heller decision struck down Washington, D.C.’s ban on handguns, saying it violated the Second Amendment rights of citizens to be able to own a functioning gun to protect their children in their own homes. |
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Do not make the mistake of thinking Hillary was addled or confused about how she answered. Her answer was carefully crafted to confuse and conflate the ad and the issue. She is counting on the average under informed voter to have little to no knowledge of what the Heller actually held and to take her word for what the decision was about AND NOBODY TOLD THEM OTHERWISE. She counted on this happening! I would not ever make the mistake of thinking Hillary was ever just confused about anything, she counts on you doing this so she will be able to advance her agenda unopposed. You do so at your and the 2nd Amendments peril. |
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Do not make the mistake of thinking Hillary was addled or confused about how she answered. Her answer was carefully crafted to confuse and conflate the ad and the issue. She is counting on the average under informed voter to have little to no knowledge of what the Heller actually held and to take her word for what the decision was about AND NOBODY TOLD THEM OTHERWISE. She counted on this happening! I would not ever make the mistake of thinking Hillary was ever just confused about anything, she counts on you doing this so she will be able to advance her agenda unopposed. You do so at your and the 2nd Amendments peril. |
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To paraphrase the (now daft) Glenn Beck, "She is a lying liar who lies." |