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It's Time for the US to Follow Australia's Lead on Gun Control
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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That year Australia passed the National Firearms Agreement, which banned certain semi-automatic, self-loading rifles and shotguns, and imposed stricter licensing and registration requirements. It also instituted a mandatory buy-back program for firearms banned by the 1996 law. During the buy-back program, Australians sold 640,000 prohibited firearms to the government, and voluntarily surrendered about 60,000 non-prohibited firearms. In all, more than 700,000 weapons were surrendered. Since then, the number and rate of homicides-has fallen drastically. Presently, Australia is considered one of safest countries in the world. |
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While the number of "mass shootings" down under has gone down, it's my understanding violent crime has gotten worse.
I do not belief Australian gun law would work here. If it IS imposed here, get ready for CIVIL WAR II. |