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‘Stand Your Ground is BS.’ Actor Elizabeth Banks calls out Ohio bill on Twitter
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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“If I’d been shot and killed playing hide and seek would that new neighbor have been able to just shrug his shoulders while living across the street from my grieving parents? With laws like this, probably yes,” she wrote.
“I don’t want to live in a world where we fear our neighbors so much that we can’t freely lose a ball/dog/frisbee or cut through somebody’s yard to avoid harassment — all things I have done. What yards did you wander into and why?” she closed in the last tweet.
Ed.: Clearly, her parents never told her trespassing is a crime. Also, misdemeanor trespassing isn't a crime that implicates SYG. |
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Elizabeth Banks is a beautiful woman, and I'm a fan.
But she obviously isn't a deep thinker. For example, if SYG with no duty to retreat was the law when she was playing hide 'n' seek and one of 'em got shot, SYG protection would be useless. The shooter would be arrested, prosecuted and sent to prison.
SYG only protects people who REASONABLY believe their lives to be in danger.
The circumstances of the event determine if using lethal force is justifiable, regardless of SYG and no duty to retreat.
One doesn't have to be a Mensa member or Rhodes Scholar to understand that.
It's amazing (aggravating, actually) that celebrities think they're right just because they're celebrities. It's equally astounding how irrational most of them are. |
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Uh, Maybe I'm just old, but who the heck is she? And why would I listen to a "celeb"?? |