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PA: Mt. Lebanon school board member takes stance against guns
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Corey Salo
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A Mt. Lebanon school board member, who opposed a recent policy on weapons, wants to see a policy that bans guns entirely from the school district, even if that means eliminating the high school rifle team.
The school board on Monday approved by an 8-1 vote a new weapons policy, which prohibits weapons and guns on campus, with a few exceptions. Board members Michael Riemer, Elaine Cappucci, Alfonso Frioni, Sarah Olbrich, Lawrence Lebowitz, Hugh Beal, Aviva Diamond and Stephen Strotmeyer voted for the policy. William Cooper voted no.
But Mr. Cooper, who cast the lone dissenting vote, said “I agree with 98 percent of the policy.” But he said he does not believe “there is any place for guns in a high school.” |
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Be sure to teach them well on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. You are doing that, right? |