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OH: Guns on campus? Here's what local colleges say
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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College students and professors in Ohio could be walking around campus this spring carrying concealed guns with their textbooks and laptops.
But don't expect that to happen at the University of Cincinnati, Miami University, Xavier University and other colleges around the region.
Gov. John Kasich signed a bill into law Monday allowing university boards to make an exception in campus policy to allow licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns. The new law also reduces the severity of the charge a licensed individual could face for carrying a concealed handgun in a place that bans the practice. The charge was downgraded from a felony to a minor misdemeanor. |
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"At the Dec. 13 meeting, Sally Moomaw, chair of the UC Faculty Senate, said UC needs to provide a safe environment for faculty and students to have controversial discussions."
If they were actually concerned about a safe environment, they would get rid of their victim disarmament zone.
Licensed concealed carry individuals are among the most law abiding group there is. Even more so than LEOs.
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"Sally Moomaw, chair of the UC Faculty Senate, said UC needs to provide a safe environment for faculty and students to have controversial discussions."
If they were really concerned about providing a safe environment, these universities would get rid of their victim disarmament zones.
Licensed concealed carry individuals are one of the most law abiding groups anywhere, even more so than LEOs.
(Con't) |
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Concealed carry on university campuses was predicted to cause violence in Texas and other states that have approved campus carry. The predictions never occurred -- anywhere.
These people should just admit their irrational opposition to guns instead of making excuses.
And the politicians need to pass laws that mandate that these universities accept lawful concealed carry.
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The law changes the legal status of getting caught with a gun on campus from a 4th degree felony to a minor misdemeanor. In addition there is nothing stopping someone with ill intent to walk on campus right now with any weapon. The administration now has to defend themselves if students are killed while defenseless. |
The right of the people to keep and bear...arms shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the best and most natural defense of a free country... — James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789. |