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A Closer Look at Flint River Armory’s CSA45 Carbine
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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Flint River Armory (FRA), designer and manufacturer of the innovative CSA45 pistol-caliber weapons system, offers customers the standard CSA45 carbine.
Based in North Alabama, FRA is a large-scale firearms design and manufacturing company. The principle members of the company each have long and successful careers in such disciplines as engineering, UAVs, aerospace, aviation, and manufacturing. |
Comment by:
should take glock mags, what are those, grease gun style? .45acp is a hard caliber to build, not popular thus few manufacturers, thus pricier. Anything outside glock, 1911, AR15, you are taking a risk, a chance...when the liberal left assumes power, the off brands are scarcer, pricier and easier to limit, control, ban, remove, prevent, etc. |