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Gunfree Geo Marker: Is Turnabout Fair Play?
Submitted by:
Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
is 1 comment
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"'On Thursday morning, a handful of anti-gun-violence activists realized there is an app in the Google Play Store with their names on it—literally,' fastcompany.com reports. 'The app, Gunfree Geo Marker, features a map pinpointing the home and work addresses of politicians, gun control organization employees, and 'random anti-gun trolls' who ‘push the anti-gun agenda in any way, shape or form.' Clicking on a person’s name in the menu reveals their address on a Google map, along with the app creator’s reasons for including that person in the app.' The practice – known as 'doxing' – sounds an awful lot like harassment. But then . . ." ... |
Comment by:
"For example, the gun’s owner may have insufficient training or a history of frequent and unlawful discharge. Gun Geo Marker’s makers say it is intended to be a safety tool" BS breakdown: 1. heresay speculation blacklisting 2. seriously, who has "frequent", and how few have UD? So infintesmal as to be unworthy of debate, especially in liberal areas mostly targeted (ex. chicago, milwaukee, madison). 3. safety? encouraging leftist (see: mass shooter stats) or criminal targeting of gun owners? ISIS just did the same thing with military members public info, but encouraged supporters (democrats/muslims/criminals) to kill/target them. - opposition doesn't have this question in their lexicon, "fair play" |