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KS: Background checks for gun sales would save lives
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
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If you oppose the passage of a federal law requiring background checks for gun buyers, you’re endangering police officers and empowering cop killers … and you’re not doing anything to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.
In lieu of such a federal law, we have a hodgepodge of state rules, and in the South, where I grew up, they are often lax. And guns from those states, where weapons are easy for felons to buy, show up in states with tough guns laws, like New York, where they are tough to buy. |
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Name one place in the world where gun control has saved lives. Mexico? Chicago? South Africa? Schools? University? Soviet Union? Hitler's Germany? Cambodia, China? Etc. Choose one We have gun free areas, we have minimal gun control areas. Vermont, Wyoming, Switzerland, etc. |