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MA: Story on gun ownership, shooting activities not objective
Submitted by:
Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
are 3 comments
on this story
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Pro-gun activists like to pretend gun facts are unknowable. That’s one reason gun fanatics in Congress literally banned federal funding for research of gun violence harm.
The statistics available show murders, suicides, and negligent or accidental shootings tragically, massively, horrifyingly dwarf instances of self-defense. FBI crime data show around 290 legally justifiable homicides per year from 2005 to 2016, a majority of them by gun, according to Buzzfeed news. |
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Tried to post this comment but was blocked on the site: What this article is referring to is the Dickey amendment which states: "none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used to advocate or promote gun control." The CDC or any other Federal agency is perfectly free to conduct unbiased research into gun accidents, gun violence, or any other issue that impacts the nation. They simply are forbidden from using public money to promote the gun control agenda. In truth the CDC conducted several studies during the Obama administration after the passage of Dickey, so the claims made in this article are simply not factual. |
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"The statistics available show murders, suicides, and negligent or accidental shootings tragically, massively, horrifyingly dwarf instances of self-defense."
The above is utter BS! There are about 30,000 deaths each year of which a LARGE proportion are suicides. The LOWEST estimate I've heard for defense uses of guns is 60,000, TWICE the # of deaths! Better estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000 self defense uses ~~~ and most uses involve no shots fired. |
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"FBI crime data show around 290 legally justifiable homicides per year from 2005 to 2016, a majority of them by gun, according to Buzzfeed news. "
And THEREIN lies the central problem with this article. In order to count as a self defense, you have to actually shoot the criminal. That is absolutly morbid, as well as terrrifying. And it is typical libtard screwball. What is the purpose of discounting defense where no shots result? Pretending they are not real, and that no innocent person's life was ever in any danger.