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Hillary Clinton is MMM Ace-In-The Hole at Albany Rally.


Greetings Friends and Fellow Activists, 

The New York Million Mom's March has finally announced their ace in the hole; Hillary Clinton will be their keynote speaker on the State Capital steps in Albany. So we can expect the opposition to turn out in force in Albany on Mother's Day to advocate more gun control in New York State, and the country. 

If you were on the fence about showing up in Albany at the Second Amendment Sisters Rally at the base of the Egg at the Empire State Plaza, if you have not sent the people on your mailing list the information to choose to attend, the opposition has upped the ante. 

With Hillary Clinton comes a pandering local, state and national news media, with Hillary Clinton comes big liberal money, with Hillary in the lead, a second wind to the anti gun causes. With Hillary in the lead we probably have the most high profile MMM vs SAS conflict of wills since Washington DC last year, only here in New York state. 

With Hillary Clinton in the lead the Million Moms can flee across the country from their
debacle in San Francisco to New York a liberal haven on the East coast with allies the likes of George Pataki, Charlie Schumer, and Carolyn Mc Carthy. We should really try to put together some people, march on the Governors mansion and send a message to our legislators that their gun owning constituents are getting organized, going public with their grievances, and reaching out to similarly aggrieved law abiding but politically incorrect groups. 

What follows is a MMM announcement if their activities and a posting we sent out earlier about our activities. 

-----Original Message----- 
From: Capital Region MMM

Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 5:41 AM 
To: Donna Vivian 
Subject: Rally Planning Meeting 

Mothers and Others 
The next planning Meeting for the Capital Region MMM 

Thursday April 26, 2001 
7:30 PM 
Uncommon Ground 
1235 Western Ave 
Albany, NY 

Mothers and Others it was confirmed on Friday that Senator Hilary Clinton has it on her calendar to be out keynote speaker. 

If you have any questions or comments please contact us any time. Donna and Marlene 

Donna Vivian 
Marlene Crawford Co-chairs 
Capital Region chapter 
Million Mom March 
No Child's Life Should End With A Bang! 

The following is a re posting of a SAS Rally notice we tried to get posted far and wide. 

This Mothers' Day the Million Mom March will be coming to state capitals around the country to draw media attention to their arguments for stricter gun control, before they lobby state legislators the next day. In a state where with in a few months our governor first vetoed Child Firearm Accident Prevention legislation approved for our schools by both houses of the legislature, and then proposed and passed some of the toughest gun control legislation in the nation, during a major election year, the MMM will probably find a receptive audience. Especially in the wake of recent school shootings and any additional copy cat events that may yet follow. 

Last year many of us could not make the historic trip to Washington DC with the Second Amendment Sisters to counter the Million Mom's arguments. This year the MMM will be in Albany in our own back yard. Many of dedicated volunteers of the SAS who helped arrange for buses to DC last year, and expected to do the same this year, have suddenly found themselves organizing state wide counter demonstrations, sometimes in their own back yard, sometimes half way across the state or further. 

Yet they are rising to the occasion once again, and in many cases trying something else they have never tried before, because they are mothers, and they have something very important to pass on to their children. The rights, freedoms and protections from an out of control government we all inherited from those of the generations that came before us, from patriots who were willing to struggle, suffer and sacrifice that these birth rights could be protected, preserved and passed on to their heirs and ours. 

Sir Winston Churchill in the early days of World War II spoke to his people about the progression of all conflicts. I will paraphrase it from memory. 

In any conflict there comes a time early on when victory is certain and at little cost if one acts when the opposition is small. With the passage of time the odds worsen as the opposition grows in strength and perhaps your forces dwindle from neglect, until you face a difficult and costly battle with even odds of defeat or victory, or perhaps you have waited until your side is facing a desperate battle against superior odds with little or no chance of victory, but merely are fighting because it is better to perish than endure the conditions of defeat. 

We borrow this concept from Winston Churchill, but the facts remain, where along this continuum do we leave our heirs when we pass on, if we manage to pass onto them our values? Do we leave them a small isolated fringe element to fight the over whelming odds of their day, because we did not act in our day when victory was relatively assured and easy? Or do we pass on their birth rights to our heirs with much the same stature these inalienable rights had when they were entrusted to us, because we found the courage to do our job, on our watch? 

Most will spend this Mothers' day in traditional homage to motherhood and all it represents, others will work to pass on to their children the most precious gift they have given them since their birth, an understanding of their rights and freedoms, while they actually fight to protect and preserve them. Perhaps we will make an enduring memory to our heirs that this is what we do for you, that you may some day do the same for your children. 

Here is a our program for the day and other relevant information... 

1. Speakers: 

*Peggy Tartaro - Executive Editor "Women and Guns Magazine", 

*Amy Heath - Col. Jeff Coopers granddaughter, GOA 

*Mary Stange - Teacher and author "Women the Hunter", "GUN WOMEN: FIREARMS AND FEMINISM IN CONTEMPORARY AMERICA". She will also be doing a book signing at the rally. 

*Jackie Emslie - Second Amendment Sister and NRA Instructor. 

*Timothy P. Andrews Sir.- Pres. of SCOPE 

*speaker being arranged- NYSRPA 

* Tom Chandler - NY TRT 

*Bill Hart - Capital District SCOPE 
Presenting at Governor's Mansion Proclamation of Grievances 

2. Opening Ceremony: 
A. Presented by re- enactors, fife and drum, Color Guard, Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem. Amy Heath 
B. Prayer 

3. Presentation: 

A. Our reenact friends will be doing a fife and drum presentation during the rally and a salute to the mothers. We hope to have an escort by the fife and drummers, they will lead the march to the Governor's Mansion where there will be a proclamation of grievances by Bill Hart of Capital District SCOPE. 

B. Hopefully there will be enough re enactors participating to set up a camp, and maybe some of the ladies will also attend dressed in period clothing. 

Things to address at the rally: 
A. *This rally is dedicated to bring awareness about the right of self defense. 

B. *We must inform the women that, Mr. Pataki thinks an 18 year old female does not have the right to defend herself, however he will grant this right to a 21 year old. Smacks of prejudice, misogyny, and a degrading violation, that he would give an 18 year olds life trivial value. This must change now! 

C. *This rally is for the people, and is dedicated to bring awareness to the law abiding citizens, about what the organizations are doing in the state. Actions such as the law suit that SCOPE has brought against Pataki. Tim Andrews of SCOPE will address this issue in detail. This will help the community to understand how the new 5 point plan has affected them. Many of our citizens are left to flounder, and wonder if they are now considered criminals under these new laws. The people need to know what our state organizations are trying to do about this wrong and how to make it right. This will not be a platform for any politicians to make speeches and empty promises. 

D. *Summary: 
*We would like to dedicate this rally to the current issues in NYS and Self-Defense as a basic Human Right; an Individual Civil Right. 
*Our mission will be to raise the awareness of New Yorkers about the issues and laws that will affect their rights as law abiding gun owners. We'll talk about our Republican Governor who has now instituted some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. Not only are we losing our rights but we 
will also pay to have it done! 
*We need to make gun owners aware of the power that they have when they are active and they vote as a bloc! 

MOTHERS' DAY MAY 13, 2001 
RALLY TIME: 12:00 noon 

Marc Solomon 
Free Republic 
Phone: 631-666-8385 
Departure time and location is New York City, Manhattan (Don't know yet where exactly in Manhattan but those who have signed on will be kept informed). Estimated Departure to Albany time is 8am. Sun. May 13th. Albany arrival time is estimated at 11:30am. Estimated departure time from Albany is 6-7pm. Cost of trip is 30 dollars per person. There will be no stops along the way. Approximately 3 1/2 hour bus trip, one way.


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