National Guard Has No Ammo
National Guard Has No Ammo.
by a
LA correspondent
October 15, 2001 -- If you
ever wondered if California was really La-La Land, really the ultimate PC state,
wonder no more. California Governor Gray Davis is so "politically
correct" he apparently doesn't believe in arming the very people he sends
in harm's way to defend the citizens of his state. (State Governors oversee the
National Guard in each state.)
Magazines in the National Guard's Guns at Orange County's Airport:

Click image to enlarge.
If you look at the photo below from
last Saturday's Los Angeles Times (click for enlargement), first brought to our
attention by Citizens Of America
creative director Jim Houck, you can see that the guardsman is holding a rifle
with no ammunition magazine. At most, this rifle has one cartridge in the
chamber, but that is extremely doubtful.
The message this photo sends to
terrorists and copy-cat lunatics:
This California
airport is NOT protected by armed Guardsmen.
1) What happens if
the guardsman actually needs to use his firearm to defend the people he
is there to defend? Is he supposed to use it as a club?
2) Is the entire
staff of the L.A. Times so ignorant about guns that they didn't realize
they were exposing an obvious flaw in Governor Davis' "protective
measures" at the airport? Didn't anybody on the Times' staff realize
the message the Times was sending when they printed this picture?
3) What is the real
reason the National Guardsmen at this airport are carrying empty guns?
4) Who were all
of the people involved in making the decision to assure that these guardsmen
were carrying what amount to expensive clubs? Are they guilty of dereliction of
duty? If so, if something happens at the airport that requires an armed response
and results in loss of life due to the Guardsmen's inability to respond with
armed force, can those responsible for emasculating the Guardsmen be held
legally and criminally liable?
5) Does anybody
actually think a terrorist wouldn't see an empty gun with a single glance?
If a terrorist immediately sees that a gun is empty, is he supposed to be
afraid, perhaps because the guy holding it is wearing a military outfit and hold
a fancy club?
NOTE: If this information
was emailed to you, we include the following link to the enlarged picture
showing a neutered "guardsman" in order to let you draw your own
ACTION: If you would
like to call the L.A. Times and urge them to address the issue of unarmed
"guards" "guarding" the airport, here is the number to their
newsdesk: (213) 237-5000. You can also contact Gov. Davis:
Governor Gray Davis
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633