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On June 11th, there was mob violence in Central Park. Criminals attacked innocent women. This particular mass mob violence has been called "wilding" by the New York press. Over the past few days, TV has shown video clips and the press has reported upon this shame. It demonstrates how little respect there is for: women; the law; and a civil society. This conduct now has its own word.

Upon reflection, I asked myself "What would you have done?". New York has very strict "gun control" laws. The mob had numbers and, by some reports, knives. Would anyone have the courage to stand up to these thugs and say "STOP!". In retrospect, I would like to think that I would. Standing between a stripped woman and a gang of sexual predators would be the definition of a "hero" in my mind. I want to believe that looking them in the eye, unflinching, might be enough to turn them. It might even inspire other bystanders to join the hero. If enough did, that might in itself be enough to stop them. Would I have the courage to do it? Knowing that if moral persuasion didn't work, sheer numbers would overwhelm me, hurt me badly, and possibly kill me.

Upon further reflection, I thought about the last time I was at the range. I know that I can put my first shot where it needed to be at 25 yards. I know that one would have to be much less of a hero to step in front of that woman, draw your "citizenship tool", aim at the first thug, and say "STOP!". Now one would have Teddy Roosevelt's big stick and one could say very softly, "you are under arrest, please kneel down, clasp your hands behind your head". While one still might be rushed, at least one thug would be dead. While one still might be killed, one thug would be too. Now in my brain, I know that me for a thug is a bad trade. But, I also know that these people are cowards. Show enough resistance and they will move on.

But the laws of New York City and State disarm the law abiding and empower the thugs. Watching the film and reading the articles, I have to believe that there must have been some that thought about intervening. Giving them the "great equalizer" would have prevented this tragedy. Could some have died? Yes. On both sides, good and bad. Might some of them even fit the "gun control" victim-disarmament advocate's definition of a child? Yup, some of those thugs might have been under-21. Were they "children"? NO!

This was a real tragedy because citizens were terrorized into believing that only the police can protect them. This myth is stripped away. Citizens now think of themselves as powerless and defenseless. Only more police and more government can protect them from a crime. Other than murder, sexual assault, a form of rape, is IMHO just about the most heinous crime. Assaulting a person like that is a use of force most despicable to a libertarian.

So think about the situation, move it to Vermont or Florida. Could it happen? Possibly. But, there is a good chance that a citizen with a concealed carry "tool" might have been available to restore order.

So to sum up my thinking, the fault in this case is the Victim Disarmament laws of New York City and New York State. Those women should have been allowed to carry the tools to defend themselves. Do I trust that they would make the correct decision? Sure. Those women should have had armed defenders who could have step to their aid with assurance that the law would be on their side presuming that they were the militia helping the police. 

Those women, and all women, as well as the weak, the strong, the timid, and the average individual who might be confronted by these criminals, — everyone should be besieging Albany and New York with the Second Amendment demanding to be armed — legally, as is their God-given right.

Casper Milquetoast,
just another citizen

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The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so. Indeed I would go so far as to say that the underdog is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order. — Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942. (Source: "Hitler's Table-Talk at the Fuehrer's Headquarters 1941-1942", Dr. Henry Picker, ed. (Athenaeum Verlag, Bonn, 1951).)

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