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FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Use it or lose it, today!

from John Salsgiver

March 3, 2002 — Regarding the Campaign Finance Reform bill, it is not a matter of whether or not the legislation is Constitutional. It’s nature, essence and purpose are overflowing from the pages, in plain view, declaring that it is indeed unconstitutional. No rational person can ignore the obvious, that this is the opening volley for the eventual elimination of the First Amendment of Constitution of these United States of America; as it relates to individual citizens airing their views, their endorsements and most importantly, their dissent of government policies and, those elected and appointed officials. 

Every Patriotic American bore witness to the venom that Senator McCain, his Senatorial peers and those in the House loaded into the syringe, a delivery system for tyranny. They are lustfully awaiting President Bush to succumb to the siren song of bi-partisanship; to inject the poison into the veins wherein the blood of Liberty flows. The veins are the media venues for discussion, reason and most importantly dissent, and the blood of Liberty is the sediment being carried about the body, comprised of “WE THE PEOPLE”, of the United States of America. With the silencing of the citizenry, comes the strangling tentacles of despotism. 

Without freedom to publish and speak dissent in all outlets available, at any time, we can not expect to have the ability to assure our survival as a free people. There are thirty and sixty day provisions within the bill that silences dissent of the common citizen, in the outlets most capable of delivering large volumes of information to the citizenry. Under the ruse of cleaning up the system, the proponents of this vile Constitutional dismemberment have caste us all into the same lot as those supporting the bill. They say that citizens and those associations, wherein common citizens share common ground and wanting to pool together resources so as to be heard on the national scene, are considered corrupt by those very proponents who are themselves corrupt, and vile with ambition towards self service. Those politicians are absent of reverence towards our Constitution. They are rotted with the very ills they assert that the bill will cure. The press, though, is exempt from the law and as such, they can pick and choose whom they shall interview, whom they want to be exposed to the population at large, most importantly whom they want to see elected.

To add insult to the National Injury, the Politicians took the liberty of making the law generally effective on November 06, 2002 and other parts in early 2003, so as to give themselves a fighting chance to get re-elected; to assure that those actions they deem bad can still be utilized by them in this election cycle. Hypocrites make it so convenient — for their personal and political interest, not OURS. Come the 2004 election cycle, those in Congress will be in the easy chair because you won’t be able to get your message out in the late stages of a campaign, a time where and unfortunately so, when the majority of people are going to look at the candidates, and their stands on the issues. This means all those self described moderates who admit to making up their minds late in the campaigns, will be getting an overwhelming majority of their information regarding the candidates from the media outlets, and slanted editorial departments therein.

Upon going into effect, YOU as a common citizen will be committing a felony if you buy radio or TV air time to express your views, or that of your association, within legislated thirty and sixty day perimeters. YOU will be criminally charged for using that air time for the purposes which includes but is not limited to the support of a federal candidate, or denouncing each House Representative and Senator for even daring to toy with YOUR freedom of speech, or for showing where candidates stand on issues important to you. Your speech, within those frames of time, for the purpose of voting people out of Office, or seeking to have elected into Office, fresh and responsible candidates, will land you in prison and subject you to fines. Also, those Congressmen who voted down key Amendments, which if passed, would have at least weakened the bill, are just as guilty even though they voted down the final passage. They are the biggest hypocrites and the most loathsome scoundrels of them all. They must be voted out at the earliest possible time!

YOU will be put through the same rigors as murderers, rapists, pedophiles and drug dealers. YOU will be hand cuffed, removed from the company of loved ones, photographed, fingerprinted, subjected to strip searches, locked away with the above described vermin, and if YOU are lucky, the worst that will happen to YOU inside the prison is that YOU will have to kill in self defense, to prevent being molested or otherwise harmed, or be killed by the real criminals bent on harming YOU. All this because Congressmen and Senators desired to assure that you COULD NOT speak out on political issues, because they themselves are the corrupt ones!

Act now in this issue or suffer the consequences of your apathy later. If you, my fellow Americans, do not act on this issue, RIGHT NOW, we are done. 

President Bush, is our last stand between the tyranny and WE THE PEOPLE. In the name of Freedom, Liberty and, all those who sacrificed life and limb to secure and maintain our Freedoms, please DEMAND that he VETO this measure. Let him know that you demand that he not complete the evil deeds of Congress; to eliminate OUR FREEDOM. Demand that he not roll the dice, that the Supreme Court will do the work of overturning the law, when he himself has a SWORN DUTY to UPHOLD, PROTECT, and DEFEND the Constitution of the United States of America.

KABA NOTE: When is the last time you invested a few nickels calling the White House? Have you ever done so at all? NOW is the time to do so. Be irate, and remind George W. Bush that he said during his campaign that he would not sign this atrocious unconstitutional legislation. Make it clear that you remember that his daddy lost his re-election bid for being a rotten liar by breaking his campaign promises. Here are your numbers — make your call:

SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461



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