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The Safest Place to Commit Crime in America

by Alan L. Lundy

January 23, 2002 -- When one looks at the rest of the world, America is not necessarily the safest place to commit crime, yet, but if certain politicians, entertainers and special interest groups have their way, one day we will be.

Where is the safest place to commit crime?

Any place you know of where there will be little or "no" resistance to that crime. This is not only a statistical fact but it's one of common sense. Research the facts for yourself (start with the cities of Chicago, Ill. or our national disgrace, Washington, DC, then move on to entire countries such as England or Australia) and see if crime goes up or down in areas where anti-self defense laws have been enacted and then compounded.

OK, that sounds reasonable. Where is the safest place to commit crime in America?

"Yet, another school shooting", cry the smiling stars of Big Media. One thing to note is that these stories are only newsworthy when there is death involved. The more death, the more coverage. Death brings in the experts, stirs up emotions and sends the legislators on a feeding frenzy after even more of our rights! No death and the story fades within days. You can almost see the disappointment on the newscasters' faces.

The experts of government-approved religion are immediately sent in to counsel and comfort all survivors and ooze onto the 24 hour media orgies with government approved solutions. The liberals ooze in with their standard anti-gun rhetoric and the need for even more laws (renewing their charge to bring the public a little closer to accepting a total citizen disarmament). The network approved pseudo-conservatives are immediately brought in to counter with their standard line about how many laws were already broken before "little Johnny" committed the atrocity. The anchor contorts and creates the perfect facial expressions (anguish, concern and shock) at just the right time as live reports continue to come in. All, either are or hope to become household names and instant stars, while analyzing, politicizing and dramatizing the tragedy of others.

All the while America's children sit at home, hearing a repetitive conversation of all previous tragedies, knowing tomorrow, they are walking into the safest place to commit crime in America.

One hundred psychiatrists could write a thesis on what led "little Johnny" to commit this tragic deed but for more than thirty years the liberals have treated the minds of America's children like Play-Doh molding clay so I won't attempt to unwarp the warped. The important issue is that they have created a perfect place for "little Johnny" to right the wrongs (real or imagined).

So, why does "little Johnny" choose his local educational(?) facility to square up?

Government schools are well publicized "safe to commit crime" zones (and no one knows this better than the children attending). Laws have even been passed to keep them this way. Why? The liberal elite in this country have fought very hard to gain control of public education as it's the necessary tool for creating their brave new world. On the subject of firearms, their goal has been to instill in the public's minds that guns have no useful place in our modern society. What better place to start than with the developing minds of our country's youth. Such is the case of allowing individual teachers to arm themselves. The anti-gun culture has absolutely poisoned the minds of most educators in the area of self-defense that the suggestion of an armed teacher creates a venomously rabid response from the loud mouths in the Marxist choir.

The liberal elites who say that no good can come from an armed teacher are the same vermin who refuse to recognize an armed hero such as Joel Myrick, who in 1997 stopped a student murderer's rampage in a Pearl, Mississippi government school. Actually it's down right criminal to disarm a teacher who wishes to protect themselves and the children in their care. But let's face it, liberals have control of public education, their agenda is set, and they're not budging.

The use of a firearm as a means of protection is so totally unacceptable and barbaric that the mere mention of it brings the sappiest of liberals out of the woodwork. You see, it's backwards thinking to the elite and they're willing to continue this decline of culture and ongoing tragedy until the magic moment occurs when their psycho-spells and mind altering potions have been perfected. Then they can prove once and for all that they can control the little ones in society, thus raising the perfectly obedient adult product.

In the meantime, failures in their experimentation will occasionally blow a gasket, seek attention and not get it or not like the attention they do get and they might just seek a means of retaliation. Death seems to have become very acceptable to the young people in our modern society. As long as the liberal elite have control of the minds of America's children and no resistance or barriers are put in their way, they will continue to send them into the safest place to commit crime in America tomorrow and every weekday morning after.

One side note on this subject: If "little Johnny's" tormentors had all gathered in a police station, US courthouse, IRS building or any of the other "protected" gun free zones in America, would he have attempted to enter with a weapon and square up with them? If he did, how much resistance would he meet? In many cases he would never get through the front door. The attraction isn't there. The fear of failure is too great and absolute success is paramount.

Alan L. Lundy is the owner of, a pro-Second Amendment website dedicated to the principle of individual Freedom and Liberty and a no-compromise approach to both.


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