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The Real Gun Extremists

by Jeff Skocilich


Let me ask you something. When the media and our (previous-thank God!) national leadership has mentioned the "gun-lobby" and gun-grabbing groups in the same breath, what has been the overall implied meaning? Well, let me sum it up for you: The gun-"nuts" would like to see every man, woman, and child in the US strapped with a 9mm and a AK-47, while waiting for the UN invasion and/or black suited federal agents. On the other hand, the "normal" gun-control folk, only want to see "common sense" gun control measures instituted. You know............."common sense" gun control isn't going to hurt anyone. It won't effect "sportsmen" or "hunters" just one bit. 

Well, I've been reading the material straight from the gun-grabbers, and this is some of what I've found. You tell me who is out of the mainstream when you strip the layer of sappy rhetoric away from the rotten core of their message. Read the following quotes, and my interjected thoughts, and you be the judge:

"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is composed of 44 civic, professional and religious organizations and 100,000 individual members that advocate for a ban on the sale and possession of handguns and assault weapons."

Exactly what is an assault weapon? According to California, your Browning BAR, many other hunting rifles, Colt competition sporters, Olympic .22 pistols, are assault weapons. So much for any type of CCW laws, handgun hunting, target shooting, or home protection. That's ok with the CSGV. 

"The mothers and others will be rallying in state capitols and major cities across America on May 13, 2001 calling for common sense gun legislation."

There is that "common sense" thing again!  [See: Common Sense]Click to: Rosie's "Common Sense"

"On May 14, 2001 they will be paying a visit to local lawmakers."

To make them an offer that they can't refuse perhaps???

"Last Mother's Day, the Million Mom March was born, but our work has just begun. Plans for May 13 include state capitol rallies from Honolulu to Boston, events in towns and cities and a major rally in New York City. Meeting with elected officials, Moms will discuss proposals to fight the scourge of interstate gun trafficking, repeal concealed carry laws, mandate trigger locks on handguns and require gun show background checks."

So, did you read those last few lines? Repeal over 32 state CCW laws? Make your home defense pistol a government regulated paper weight? Reality check: When they say "interstate gun-trafficking" they mean bringing back the worst parts of the 1968 gun-control act. Hope your deer gun or target pistol doesn't have to be sent back for repairs if the MMM gets the legislation it wants. Then again, if they're considered "assault weapons" in the first place, you won't have them anymore.

"Most parents don't know that 40% of homes with children have a gun! This PAX Action Module will help you download the ASK Parents' Help Kit - a comprehensive guide to protecting your kids against the dangers of guns where they play. Before you download the ASK Parents' Help Kit, we hope you'll take a second to register as a member of PAX. The good news is, once you've done this, the PAX website will be able to automatically provide you with updates and resources relevant to where you live. If you are a student, you will also be registered with the PAX Students Network."

Didn't the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany have a program such as this? I think it was called, "Spy on your neighbor for cash and prizes". Am I being paranoid? Not when NYC and Toledo just took this "kit" a step further and is offering cash rewards for turning in the neighbors' "illegal" weapons.

"Cedar Rapids, IA - Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence (IPGV) today announced its opposition to two bills introduced in the Iowa House of Representatives that would keep secret the records of individuals who have been issued permits to carry concealed weapons in the state. The bills, HF 167 and HF 173, were assigned to the House Judiciary Committee chaired by Chuck Larson, R-Cedar Rapids. IPGV, with offices in Cedar Rapids, is a statewide educational organization working to reduce firearm related deaths and injuries in Iowa."

I guess freedom and privacy don't mean anything when you're an evil gun owner, or worse yet.........a CCW holder!!!! I wonder if the gun-grabbers will have them wear a type of insignia? A yellow Star of David perhaps??? Are lawful CCW holders on the same par with sex offenders? I guess to a gun grabber, a man with a gun is the same as.............well, you get the idea. <Insert various puns and jokes here.>

"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence's mission is to stop gun violence by fostering effective community and national action.

"5 facts every American must know about gun violence

"1. Residents of homes where a gun is present are 5 times more likely to experience a suicide and 3 times more likely to experience a homicide than are residents of homes without guns. If you really want to protect yourself and your family, do not buy a handgun."

A: Firearms do not have an impact on suicide rates. Look at Japan. [See Suicide Archives.] 

B: They neglect to mention that their statistics do not reflect whether the gun was lawfully possessed, or that home invaders are included in this! On an average year, 2,500-3,000 criminals are killed by home owners with firearms. But, to a gun grabber, criminals are people too!

"2. The Second Amendment is no barrier to tough gun control laws. No gun control law has ever been overturned on Second Amendment grounds. We could ban handguns tomorrow and it would pass constitutional muster."

To see the real goal of this group, put a blank where "handguns" are, and then say the sentence again, only substituting "rifle", "shotgun", "muzzleloader", "BB gun", etc.. It's easy.............isn't it. After all, Britain did it.

"3. The Gun Industry is one of the few unregulated industries in America. Every other consumer product -- from teddy bears to toasters -- is subject to stringent safety regulations. Guns are not."

If you consider 20,000 gun laws "unregulated," you are an idiot. Or, you may be a prime candidate for Al Gore's 2004 campaign staff!

"4. Even if you don't own a gun, you pay for gun violence in America. You pay for increased health care costs, you pay with a loss of security, and you pay with a loss of freedom."

Let's see. I also pay for: Welfare, failing public schools, prisons better equipped than the schools, illogical subsidies, the National Endowment of the Arts, ill-spent foreign aid, legislative and executive perks, the UN, etc., etc., etc.. Are guns really the problem? Or, is it the society we have created?

5. The media tends to cover gun issues solely as a crime problem, but gun violence is a public health epidemic. Everyone, regardless of age, race, or ethnicity, suffers from gun violence. 

This is a stitch! The gun-grabbers are blaming the media for not being sensitive to their cause!!!!!

After thinking of a witty and appropriate conclusion, I couldn't. I can say this. What are you going to do to counter these groups in 2001?

Feel free to contact me with thoughts and suggestions at: Note:  Nice job, Jeff.  It's great having someone who sees clearly tear into a few whoppers being told over on the dark side.  Conclusion, if you don't mind:

1)  The anti-rights people lie through their teeth. (Unregulated?  You could ban guns tomorrow?  Really? If that were true, as it's your stated goal, why haven't you done it?)  They therefore have no scruples, objectivity or integrity.

2)  They are coming after our rights to protect ourselves and our families from the poor, dear criminals they protect -- with said lies.

3)  Many in government positions are using our tax dollars to directly violate their oaths to defend and protect the constitution and are therefore outright traitors.

4)  They lie, deceive and use emotionally-rich but fact-empty lie to foist their arguments because their position cannot stand up to intellectual scrutiny in the light of day.

5)  The deterrent effect of the second amendment truly is an impediment to the objectives of these wretches -- or they'd be pushing much harder and much faster. 

Let us each find full measure within our own hearts to define our bottom lines -- and assure that they will never be crossed.

Common Sense Information:


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