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Free Americans Read Free American

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 For Keep and Bear Arms

The Free American is your best magazine source for accurate, fair reporting on vital issues. We feature both current events and recent history on issues from Second Amendment issues, health, and land rights, to exposing modern propaganda efforts, mind control and psycho-politics. 

The June issue features the third in our “Conspiracy Theories Series” on the N.S.A.  Things were scary enough with Echelon and Carnivore reading your e-mail and listening to your conversations.  What if they can hear your thoughts? We do not stray away from difficult issues, and we do our gut level best to present fair discussion from both sides of issues, however controversial they may be. We've been on time with every issue of our full color magazine for over 8 years and counting, and we are looking for support and subscriptions from more patriotic Americans.

To sweeten the urge to support us, we are giving $10 from every subscription to -- our way of supporting the good work this website and organization is doing. Please mention the KABA offer so we know to cut them a check for your subscription.

WARNING: Reading the Free American can prove damaging to fixed belief systems, entrenched biases, assumptions and may loosen carefully crafted and expertly applied illusions.


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Personal Message from Founder

Free American is a magazine that puts forth a wide variety of hard-hitting information you'll not be seeing in mainstream media outlets.  A full color magazine that tells it like it is, again and again -- confronting issues that are hard to deal with and very controversial, even for strident liberty advocates.

The fact that this magazine only has 10,000 subscribers after eight years of consistent, hard-hitting monthly publications is simply a function of promotion.  People don't know about it, or Free American's subscriptions would grow steadily.

And now the Founder and Publisher -- our friend, Clay Douglas -- is offering to make a $10 donation to for every annual subscription our members and visitors purchase.

You owe it to yourself to check Clay Douglas out.  If all gun owners and people who talk about being free had his level of dedication to the cause of freedom and to getting the word out, we wouldn't be scrapping with socialists for our rights; we'd simply be living our lives unfettered.

Clay Douglas runs a live internet broadcast every day -- both in the morning and at night -- and still finds time to put out a quality magazine every month.  You can listen to his broadcast for free on his site.   He'll be the first to tell you his site isn't where he'd like it to be, but his magazine is on a professional level that is actually surprising considering the budget restraints under which he labors.

You'll find some things out through his magazine that you won't find out elsewhere unless you do some serious digging. He's on top of the liberty movement, and he's playing for keeps by tackling issues that most groups won't touch with a ten foot pole. He grapples with issues few dare touch, and he does it in more of a balanced way than one would expect, given his strong constitutional beliefs.

That's why it's so easy to tell you who have some extra money and an urge to know what is really going on in the war against your rights to buy a subscription to Free American.  If you are a diehard skeptic, he has an option to purchase a single copy so you can give their publication a test drive, too. To date, we've let you know that SierraTimes is taking to print, and other than that, you've not had us suggest any other offline magazines or newsletters.

Free American has been printing the information your government doesn't want you to know about for eight years. Let's just say they've got a good system down -- and we'd like to see them have a million subscribers by next month. We may not agree with 100% of every single letter they print, but you can know that from what we've seen, the vast majority of Free American's work is dead-on-bullseye journalism.  But don't take our word for it; see for yourself.

I have subscribed to Free American for several months now, and I've certainly had my eyes opened to a number of things I hadn't seen put together as well in other publications. I personally recommend at least getting one copy for your consideration.

Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director,


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"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." --Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771

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