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Sarah Brady's Legacy...

by Marc Visconte

Amusingly and amazingly, they want to FURTHER make sheep out of people. The FAA wants to ban knives and "knife-like" objects totally, to the point of replacing the metal meal knives to plastic ones. They want to make sure we are absolutely, *TOTALLY* defenseless, once we mount those stairs and climb into the air. And you can't walk home from plane trouble.

The anecdotal evidence is that three men may have tried to take matters into their own BARE hands against the "box-cutters" and non-mercy of the hijackers and may have succeeded in crashing a plane in relative wilderness rather than the hijackers making their way to Camp David or the White House. Think how it might have been had some of those folks had access to the federally limited 4" knife blades? 

Better, as the hijackers were slitting the throats of the stews to "lure" the pilots out of the cockpit, think of what might have happened had those pilots exited the cockpit armed, albeit with Glasers or other pre-fragmented or frangible rounds, in .40 handguns? 

We might instead, today, have to deal with the tragedy of four planes that were ALMOST hijacked, with the loss of a few "overly-valuable" lives and those worthless lives of the hijackers. 

Today? HOW many tens of thousands, possibly HUNDREDS of thousands, of deaths, how many millions of damage to the 'infrastructure', how many billions of damage to the markets, and how many trillions will it cost before America can sleep, feeling safe again?

"If it saves even ONE life...", well damn you, Sarah Brady, it MIGHT have saved "just one life"! It might have saved tens or hundreds of thousands of lives, and yet YOU think that guns are inherently dangerous. You are a fool and a tool, and in some small way, the deaths of all of these people are due, in some part, to your ignorance.

Am I crude to link victim disarmament with a terrorist action? I think not, as we have been at the mercy of domestic terrorists for decades -- and their method is always the same: "give up your safety or else!"

I can only hope that Sarah, and Dickie, and Chuckie, and Diane, and all of the other dis-armers pass a lengthy stay in hell when they pass over, and I hope they're met by all who have died because of the anti-gunners' desire to turn us ALL into instant victims, just add legislation. 

It's time America fought back. Let's quit tolerating the terrorists who PUT us in this position in the FIRST place!


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The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule. — H.L. MENCKEN

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