Gun Rights
Advocate Suing Rhode Island Attorney General

the Battlefield
by Scott
September 13,
Constitutional scholars would argue that the most provocative case ever heard in
a United States court dealing with the 2nd Amendment was US vs. Emerson, a case heard in 1999 by the United States
District Court for the Northern District of Texas. In plain, understandable
English, a US court ruled that – quite simply – the 2nd Amendment
was clearly an individual right of the same magnitude as the other guarantees
enshrined in the Bill of Rights. This probably didn’t sit well with Sen. Chuck
Schumer, or the Kennedys, or any of the liberal “scholars” who’ve earned
their keep over the years by claiming that the 2nd is actually
designed to protect duck hunting, or the National Guard, and most assuredly not
citizens or individuals in a – cover the eyes of your children, folks – well
regulated militia.
Friday, August 31st, the failing grades for past social studies
courses has lead to another round of “education through confrontation,” only
this time the site of the activity is the US District Court for Rhode Island,
and the plaintiff in this case is Yours Truly. I applied for a handgun carry
permit in January through the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Rhode
Island, and was denied in February. Though on paper I was told that I failed to
state a valid reason, the evidence from other sources clearly indicates that I
was denied because I didn’t either know the right people, donate to the proper
campaigns, hire the right state senator or representative to be my lawyer, or because I did something outrageous like ask for a stenographer be
present at my appeal hearing. With my lawyer.
true Orwellian language, an appeal hearing I was promised vanished faster than
documents at the Rose Law Firm subject to a federal subpoena. Then I was told I
had no right to a hearing, anyway.
brings us to the present time, and the “confrontation” element of the whole Circus Maximus which passes for law, constitutional principles, and
justice in Rhode Island.
a federal statute tailor-made for combating racism and discrimination and false
arrests (42 USCS 1983 “The Civil Rights Act of 1870”), four members of the
Attorney General’s office of the State of Rhode Island were sued for violating
my 2nd, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights under
the US Constitution. Of particular importance is the 2nd Amendment
claim, for in attempting to get Emerson
heard in a jurisdiction other than the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals,
I’m attempting to “spread the playing field” to use an appropriate
football analogy, and force Brand-X to commit resources to battling me in The
Biggest Little State in the Union. An element of any good guerilla operation is
having disciplined small units undertaking independent action at times and
places of their own choosing when the
tactical situation warrants. Remember the trial lawyers suing every gun
manufacturer in every jurisdiction possible? Same theory…going on the
offensive may not get you a victory, but staying on the defensive will most
assuredly provide for defeat.
are other components to this case...
has changed hands from permit seekers to politicians. Politicians have contacted
members of the AG’s staff, if not the AG himself. With “economic rent”
being paid for a constitutional right, and the issuance of what amounts to a
“state contract” in the form of a handgun permit, the activities in the
AG’s office are clearly within the domain of the federal Racketeer Influenced
Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
it will take is for one man or woman, sitting at a deposition with counsel
present, to invoke their 5th Amendment right against
self-incrimination and every federale not busy trying to put Providence Mayor Vincent A.
“Buddy” Cianci in prison will be looking into the evidence produced in Scott
Traudt vs. Sheldon Whitehouse, US CANO: 01-410-ML, RI.
defendants are straight from Central Casting; a computer model couldn’t have
created a better set of opponents for The Good Guys. There’s the Rhode Island
Attorney General, Sheldon Whitehouse. He’s the rich scion of a bush-league
political dynasty whose claim to
fame has been trying to destroy property rights for all Americans before the US
Supreme Court in a landmark property rights case…
there’s Vincent MacAteer and Patrick Sperlangano, two cops from a Rhode Island
municipal police department who were at the scene when more than 900 guns at a police-run gun buyback vanished
off the books…They now choose who does or doesn’t get concealed carry
permits. They may have to choose between solitary confinement or general
of course there’s James R. Lee, who would be the Peter Lorre character in a
Bogart film. He loped onscreen long enough to commit to print every illegal
action taken against me, and he is to be commended by all of us for being so
constitutionally impaired -– in the intellectual sense –- that were it not for
his presence, this film noire may not
have been possible.
the party has just begun here in The Biggest Little, and Arizona, Nevada,
Oregon, and Montana had better look out: you’re not the only states where
people can walk softly and carry a big stick, or who think that ‘ole Conny -–
that darling of enlightened thought thrown together by those men fresh from
burying their war dead in 1787 -- is
worth fighting for as brutally or viciously as possible.
give her a read, and we’ll see you in court…
either link below to view the actual lawsuit:
Word version (.doc) -- Adobe
Acrobat version (.pdf)