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Michigan Militia Speaks: Use Us!

September 18, 2001

Contacts: Gordon Dean, Commander, MMCW, 231-882-7184
Norman Olson, Senior Advisor, 231-548-5878

Michigan Militia Speaks: Use Us! To President Bush: "We are ready. Our purpose is to protect America. Use Us."

Alanson, MI (Sept 17) -- High-level militia leaders from across Michigan met Monday agreeing to send an overture to the President offering its services in protecting America from foreign terrorists.

The meeting, held on an undisclosed 500-acre militia training facility in Northern Michigan, was attended by many, including several of the architects of the modern militia movement.

After hours of discussion of what may happen, it was agreed that the proper action now was to offer the citizen militia to the President as "the eyes and ears and the feet of America's security."

Gordon Dean, Commander of the Michigan Militia Corps-Wolverines, said that time was of the essence and that if the militia did not offer its services in support of America's security now it would renege from its stated purpose for being. "We have vowed to defend America with our lives if necessary. The threat of foreign terrorism is clearly seen and we are prepared to guard our homeland against any threat from abroad."

Norman Olson, co-founder and the militia's first state commander said in a press release Monday, "The President knows that millions of patriots across America are equipped, armed and trained to guard and to defend our land. He is obliged and expected to recognized the citizen militia as its primary guardians. I know that he will extend his hand to us and include us in the daunting task of securing our homeland. We are trained and have the ability to uncover threats in areas inaccessible to federal law enforcement. I know he'll do the right thing. We are in the communities and among the people. If America's enemies are among us, we will find them and expose them. Failing to recognize us, we and the American people will wonder why."

The number of people associated with the citizen militia has fallen greatly since the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, but large numbers of are being reactivated in response to the recent attack. While militias were once seen by many as a threat to America, they are in fact protectors of the most basic values that Americans hold dear.

According to Olson, a "backdoor" channel to the President has been opened whereby the offer to aid in the nation's security will be offered to President Bush. "Of course we will not disclose our emissary or the means, but even now the President is being offered our help. We are millions strong and we love our homeland. It is to the benefit of the entire population that the President recognize our presence and potential in safeguarding our own people," Olson concluded.


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The "assault weapon" ban didn't stop the [World Trade Center/Pentagon] terrorists, Brady checks didn't stop them, the high capacity magazine ban didn't. Right to Carry would have. If it had saved only one tower and the people in it, it would have been worth it. GUN CONTROL KILLS. — LTC Stasski, 9/11/01

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