Gun Control Fax Scam
Gun Control Fax Scam is Back
November 13, 2001 -- The Gun
Control Fax Scammers are at it again, this time using the "licensing and
registration" issue as their bait.
A group calling itself 21st
Century Faxes, Ltd. is sending out a fax broadcast guised as a poll. The
question posed is:
"Should you have to be
registered and be licensed in order to purchase a gun?"
The fax asks you to check either
YES or NO -- and to fax your response back to the 900 NUMBERS PROVIDED (one for
Yes, one for No). Says the fax broadcast,
"Calls to these numbers
cost $2.95 per minute, a small price for a greater democracy."
To view a scanned image of this
fax scam -- designed to milk political activists by playing on their passions --
click here. You are encouraged NOT to
call the numbers.
This is provided merely as a
warning so you don't get caught by this scam if it hits your fax machine.