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Will the truth out?
And, if it does, will anyone pay attention?

by Ed Lewis

January 12, 2002 -- The one absolute found as the governing of this country and its relation to the people is investigated, is that the American way prescribed by our forefathers in the Constitution has been wiped out. Corruption has become the way of life with government terrorisms enforcing exactly the opposite of what the “American way” means.

One will also find that, although it isn’t always an absolute, is that most of the publications and media sources miss the boat when it comes to educating the American people as to government and the design of this country. In fact, the truth is most often completely ignored or stated incorrectly. In other words, the limit of government is usually not brought into any issue.

  1. Do you, as you live your life, try to think of ways to take your fellow citizens’ property?
  2. Do you try to figure out ways you can interfere in other people’s lives, ways to harm them or their property?
  3. Do you attempt to take what is theirs or to actually harm them or their property? I.E., even if you have thought about it, did you carry out your plans?
  4. Or, do you, instead, never act in a manner intentionally to harm another citizen, whether physically or by damaging or taking their property?

The answer to the first three questions for most people is they do not. The answer to the last question is ‘yes’. The most of us just want to live our lives as best we can and do not ever interfere with other people doing the same. It is a fact forgotten by those in government that most people simply do not want to harm other people.

On the flip side –

  • Does the government try to figure out ways to interfere in peoples’ lives?
  • Does it intentionally plan and carry out acts in order to damage a person and/or take their property?

The answer to these questions is that these are the goals of the current government, just as they have been the same goals of those in government for the past 150 years. We are just now seeing the final act of the planning began over 150 years ago.

Government and the people of this country – this union of independent Republics joined in common cause and protection – have lost sight of what it means to be free and the purpose of establishing a government. Most people haven’t the slightest idea of what Liberty is, and would rebel at the very idea of liberty because of government corruptive disinformation and propaganda.

Natural liberty is “the power of acting as one thinks fit, without any restraint or control, unless by the law of nature (e.g. earning a livelihood in any chose, lawful calling without a business/occupational license.)” - Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, 1951.

Black’s also defines liberty as “exemption from extraneous control, the right of power or locomotion; of changing one’s situation or moving one’s person to whatsoever place one’s own inclination may direct, without imprisonment or restraint… (e.g. traveling privately on the public highways without a driver’s license.):”

This highly respected bible of law further defines as inherent in liberty, the “Liberty to Contract as the ability at will to make or abstain from making a binding obligation…(such as marrying and creating a family without intrusion from a third party in the contract).”

What Black’s dictionary has done in these definitions is essentially give the whole of what the Constitution secures for the people. Every person’s God-given rights of free choice and expression of those choices define freedom.

Have you read the below statements and the statements that follow them in their entirety?

“WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness – That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.”


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The first statements are taken from the Declaration of Independence.

A most important part of this for those who have never read the document – and realized its meaning – is that governments are established only to secure unalienable rights. Also, if government becomes destructive to that end, then it is the right – perhaps this should be thought of as “duty” – of the people to alter or abolish it.

The second statement is – for the uninitiated in this document and its meaning – the Preamble to the Constitution.

It states the purpose of the Constitution. It is not a “living document” –a government rational for changing its meaning to satisfy the wants of the very few – but is a document with directives meant to establish for all eternity governing that would not interfere with God-given rights of the individual while simultaneously providing for protection of the people of the many Republics forming the union.

It is not a document establishing a democratic form of government.

History has shown that democracy is a form of government destined to failure. Democracy allows a few to determine “privileges” and ignores the concept of unalienable rights of the individual entirely. The purpose of the Constitution is to establish just the opposite (more or less) in that it establishes that the rights of the one must be protected. Each individual is, therefore, sovereign to all others and, hence, to man made governments.

This is shown to be fact in the term “unalienable”. Apparently, those in government and those who believe they live in liberty either don’t know what unalienable means or they ignore it. Unalienable means that the rights are not to be separated, given away, or taken away. We each are born with unalienable rights that do not need defining or enumerating. They are there and would be whether we were born on an island of few dozen or in a city of millions. It doesn’t even matter what country it might be – God-given rights are universal and each human born is born with them.

This means that each individual has the power to make his own life choices without interference from any government or other people. The only requirement – and it isn’t really a requirement – is that he not interfere with the unalienable rights of others. It isn’t actually a requirement as a person may choose to interfere with another sovereign’s rights but the person he interfered with has the right to redress. This is the purpose of Article III courts – the only lawful courts of the sovereign – in which a jury of peers determines whether a right was violated and redress due.

People living in liberty are actually self-governing with a government established to protect the rights of each to do so.

Government is not established to govern per se but to protect the unalienable rights of the individual. All power remains with the people and to make any change in the form of governing requires the people to do it, not some judge sitting in a court, even the Supreme Court, and certainly not any legislator or agency/bureau head, law enforcer, or lawyer working to increase the coffers of the state and himself.

And it sure isn’t within the power of one person, or 535 persons, to tell the people what is law and what is not. The law is the law. It was established by God and secured by the Constitution for all governments to obey. Each takes a solemn oath of office to do just that. Each must assume this awesome responsibility to the people he represents.

It is such a simple system our forefathers put together from the thousands of years of previous human experience. Look, if you interfere with another’s rights, such as trespass on his property, and the other feels you have violated his rights, then he may sue for redress. If your fellow citizens on a jury determine you did violate the other’s rights, then redress to compensate the victim is in order. It isn’t up to a judge or any man-made law – it is up to the accuser and a jury of peers. Records of redress for rights violations could be used to determine proper redress to victims in like cases.

We each – in being a member of a Republic with a Republic form of government – decide for ourselves proper behavior within the guides established by our Creator. No other person has the power to determine what the Creator meant or to determine what is proper behavior for each of us. The formula is this: Make any decision you wish and, if it doesn’t interfere with another, you have behaved lawfully in our Creator’s eyes and within the meaning of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America.

But, if you make a decision to interfere with another’s rights, you are liable to that person for damages. Man-made laws are not laws as they interfere with constitutionally secured rights. This is how it is supposed to be and you can be assured your governing bodies do not want you to know it.

So simple is the truth. Government is not meant to govern the people but to govern its own in meeting its obligations and duties to the people – to protect and defend the unalienable rights of the individual. But, that truth would deprive the greedy and power lusting from trillions of dollars and their “We can do anything we want” attitude.

People have been brainwashed into believing that government is in essence the sovereign and – well, Folks, that line of bull makes the various governments (including the Federal Reserve since it governs behind the scenes) between 2 and 3 trillion dollars per year. There is about 1.7 trillion through unlawful and illegal taxation of the people of the many states and the rest – through unlawful and (usually) illegal fines, improperly assessed property for revenue purposes, licenses, business fees, and so on.

You see, Folks - the truth has outed.

This can be attested to by hundreds of thousands of aware, knowledgeable Americans who shed their shackles of ignorance. They fight against tyranny of 'terrocrats' tooth and nail, often on a daily basis. Many restore their rights and take no crap from corrupt judges and law enforcement, going so far as to press criminal charges against them. And the lousy media we have ignores that laws and issues over laws are in fact moot, since lack of constitutional authority means the laws are not laws at all.

The question for those who have not joined the fray – except to read or write about it – is whether the truth going to be ignored for all practical purposes or acted upon. It is imperative to realize freedom –- your liberty –- is on the scales of justice and humanity opposed by the pseudo-freedom of people being pushed by the Bushs, Clintons, Roosevelts, Rockefellers, and Ashcrofts of the world. Their concept of freedom is nothing more than thinly veiled servitude to government – you know, the “Do as we say and then we won’t fine, imprison or kill you (or any combination of these).”

It’s up to each of us to determine our path.

Either we support God-given unalienable rights as sovereign over a bunch of elected or appointed officials – mere mortals subject to the failings of mere mortals – or we allow burying of human rights beneath millions of unlawful and illegal laws enforced by criminal, amoral actions against Liberty by law makers, law enforcers and unlawful courts. Freedom demands the former.

Thus, it is to the freedoms of Man – unalienable rights – that our allegiance must be pledged, not what some self-serving politician says as he violates his oath of office every minute of every day. Liberty is worth fighting and dying for. Unjust causes to make a few wealthier – and the forced placing in servitude of the many to the few – are not.


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The era of resisting big government is never over. — PAUL GIGOT (1998)

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