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Slick Gun Control Laws

by Ed Anthony

April 13, 2002

There are some slick moves being made against our second amendment rights to own and bear firearms. It is a shame that dignified, law abiding citizens using guns appropriately for several generations have to be harassed by some socialist scatterbrain who is turning every crisis into another reason to take away their right to own firearms.

I'll just give you the quick study. Governor Roy Barns, Georgia, tried to push through SB 385. This is a bill about bio-terror that in effect would allow the Governor to declare statewide emergency gun control measures if there is a public health emergency. As soon as the emergency is declared, then the Governor can ban all gun sales and dispatch the police to confiscate your guns at roadblocks and other so called checkpoints on the roads and highways. Our forefathers called it illegal search and seizure. Even low-level anthrax scares and lone acts of terrorism would be an excuse to "start the round up" of all legally owned guns. Legal guns are the only guns that will be confiscated. The criminals have their guns unregistered and hidden. The real stupidity is, "If there is a large scale attack, this is the very time that we will need our guns to defend our nation and families."

The only reason the United States of America, even with all it's unmanned, un-patrolled borders, has never been invaded is because we have always had combat veterans with personal firearms and access to anything they need to purchase. Over three hundred thousand combat veteran Non Commissioned Officers from Vietnam alone who would be able to train and lead their neighbors in resistance against a foreign invader. At a time of the greatest urgency, the Socialist Democrats want us to disarm. Where is your head?

S. 1555 from Dianne Feinstein (D. CA.) would give away our constitutional rights in favor of U.N. gun control. Don't you look forward to that? I'm sure our rivers will not be flowing red with the blood and bodies of freedom loving peoples like there were in Africa every time the U.N took control. "Gun confiscation will stop violence the same way nailing the toilet door shut will stop diarrhea."

HR 3013  Rep. Corrine Brown (D. FL) Gives power to one un-elected government official to ban firearm possession around any waterway in America No hunting allowed.

How do feel about those Representatives and Senators who voted for "Campaign finance reform" legislation, which places a federal gag order on NRA communications in September and October of every election year? This singles out a voice of opposition. Could this be done against the Tobacco or Hard liquor lobbyist? Do you think this gag order would hold up against abortion rights groups or the lobbyist for any of the big Oil or Pharmaceuticals companies? Then it shouldn't hold up against the NRA either.

"The day that they come get your guns, is just one day before they use them on you!"

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...but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens, little if at all inferior to them in discipline and use of arms, who stand ready to defend their rights... — Alexander Hamilton speaking of standing armies in Federalist No. 29.

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