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Changing Tactics - Fight Fire With Fire!

by Russell R. Bingman

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief NO B.S. News Magazine

April 15, 2002

Some of America’s patriots suffer badly from tunnel vision. They cannot see anything but the 2nd Amendment issue. I’ve written a lot about this problem over the years.

While the 2nd Amendment is indisputably a chief concern for us, the bigger picture is the entire Bill of Rights - and an injustice system which tramples, destroys and incarcerates millions of Americans, unlawfully, un-Constitutionally and often, innocently.

For the past 35 years, we’ve been on a constant defensive for the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights. And there-in lies our Achilles heel. As any coach or any old soldier will agree, you cannot win a game or a war by merely playing defense. Offense is the best defense goes the old saw, and it’s true. It's the new strategy which we must take, and it is our enemies who have given us the tactical ammunition and advantage. That enemy is NOW, the National Organization for Women. (They’re actually against women, but that’s another issue.)

In 1992, NOW filed a Civil RICO suit against Joe Scheidler and the Pro Life Action Network under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) chapter of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1961-1968. To the astonishment of many, they won!

As many of us know RICO is one of the most perverted, misused and misapplied statutes ever put on America’s law books. Its original intention was to help the Treasury agents in fighting the war on alcohol during Prohibition, by giving them special latitude in dealing with Organized Crime.

However, since then, RICO has come to be used in thousands of non-organized crime offenses, including petty misdemeanors, which it was never intended for. Then somewhere out of the blue came the idea that RICO could be used in civil suits, by one civil party against another, and the annals of jurisprudence record that RICO has even been used by one party against another, in divorce proceedings! That damn sure was never intended, but it's a reflection of how decayed, despicable and demented our American Justice System has become.

In Japan, when a large business decides it wants to go into a foreign country to buy out another large business, it never goes alone. It is always backed up by several other businesses, most of which have no direct interest or relation to the targeted business. This informal association is known as a Kyoritsu. Sometimes they operate openly as a united front; other times, the supporting business interests operate totally behind the scenes.

American patriots have been defending themselves against a Kyoritsu operating in the dark. That’s two strikes against us - one for staying on defense, the other for the unseen enemy. And unless we change our strategy real soon, its going to be strike three - you’re out!

Some of us who have worked in government and in intelligence probably have a better vantage on this than those who haven’t. For myself, I’ve seen and handled U.S. government documents of the New World Order, which conspires with organizations like Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Gun-grabbers), Progressive Caucus (a branch of DSA), World Peace, NOW, PETA, and dozens of other large, international organizations, all dedicated to the abolition of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, even America itself.

These people are not idiots. Their strategy has been carefully designed - their tactics finely honed and executed. They have been like a raging forest fire, inundating us in flames - and for the most part, we have been throwing a little dirt and covering up with fire shelters. I propose that we not only uncover and stop throwing dirt, but that we start fighting this fire with fire of our own. RICO!

There are a few good lawyers involved in the cause of preserving our rights - maybe more than a few, I hope. If my health were better, I’d initiate the legal battle myself. I’m no stranger to the courtroom or pro-se legal action, and I’ve never lost a case. I’ve studied this matter a lot and thought it over carefully, and the action that we need to take, is to go after this Kyoritsu, which is nothing more than a criminal conspiracy by the aforementioned groups and organizations, and begin filing a flurry of civil RICO actions against them, and forcing criminal RICO charges against them as well. Furthermore, both civil and criminal RICO could be exercised against celebrities who publicly endorse these organizations and their causes. For example, the actor Alec Baldwin publicly stated at a rally, that, they should start hanging Republicans. His advocacy was borderline on violating criminal statutes for threats and conspiracy.

Rosie O’Donnell entered into a conspiracy with the Million Mom March and the Brady mob, to take Americans guns and civil rights away, by what-ever means.

Many celebrities are involved with DSA directly. Fifty-six members of the U.S. House of Representatives are sworn members of Progressive Caucus, the legislative branch of DSA. DSA is, as it boasts on its website, is the largest American organization of International Communists, which brags about its world conquest, and its goal of overthrowing every government in the world, until there exists a singular, one world Communist state. All Progressive Caucus members take an oath of allegiance to DSA and International Communism. That is a serious violation of the U.S. Constitution and federal law. It is treason! And the Attorney General of the United States is mandated by federal law to prosecute them for that offense.

Moreover, any organization affiliated with DSA, thereby becomes a treasonous co-conspirator with DSA/International Communism, not only to criminally deprive us of our rights and Constitution, but to overthrow the U.S. government by force and/or illegal means. These organizations have become so bold that they now do and say almost anything, even bragging about their unlawful intentions. Even federal law enforcement agencies could be charged under civil and criminal RICO.

By fighting fire with fire, our enemies would then be on the defensive. It might preserve our freedoms a little while longer!

Copyright 2002 - Russell R. Bingman/AROBIN Publishing - All Rights Reserved - Permission to publish granted.


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