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Notice to All Users of a Free Email Account

April 14, 2002

To All Users of a Free Email Account,

If you are one of nearly 3,000 people who use a free email account, please pay attention to this message as it's important and it directly relates to the future of the service and thus your account.


The hard drive on the mail server has been filling up again lately. When this happens, nobody gets email, including KABA's Directors, team members and dedicated volunteers. The primary cause of this problem is the fact that so many people use their KABA email accounts to store emails. Though the standard limit on the amount of storage space a free KABA email account is 10 Megs, we are definitely going to reduce it very soon. That limit will be between 2 and 5 Megs, and if an account is storing more than 5 megs, stored emails may be deleted.

Please delete old emails, or download them to your computer. Today. Now. Dump whatever isn't essential -- we need the storage space for incoming emails.


The iMail software we originally purchased to run our free email system cost $1100. The mail server itself was a bit over $1200.

The upgrade to the software we now require -- virus protection is now essential due to constant attacks -- costs a whopping $7295. Click here to go see for yourself.

And we do not have the extra money to make the purchase. If we can raise the money, we would like to do so to continue offering this service. If we fail to raise this money, chances are very good that all non-essential, free email accounts will be discontinued -- with fair notice -- and then deleted. The other option being considered is to allow paid members and other donors to have an address but to delete the rest. We do not like the prospects of such a move, but the current situation dictates that these things be seriously considered.

SUPPORT IS VERY TIME-CONSUMING. and -- two huge, established free email systems -- do not offer appreciable support for their free services. And now Yahoo is charging for anything above their very most basic service, as well. But we have continued, to the best of our abilities, to support our free email service, to the tune of many volunteer hours that would best serve the movement in more effective ways. Therefore, we have a request on this issue:

If you require support, first please read the instructions contained in the web-based email system's HELP menu itself. (Log in to that system right here: If you cannot read instructions, do not waste our time having us read them to you and for you. No offense is intended by this request; this is simply a way of honoring ourselves and our mission.


If you're glad to have a email address and would like to keep it but have yet to pitch in to support this organization, please take a moment to donate to or to join as a dues-paying member. We absolutely must upgrade the software to protect ourselves and our users -- you -- and that takes money.

If this public notice produces the desired results, the issues will disappear and we will carry on as we've been doing. If not, more drastic measures will be taken to assure that stays its course.

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You must understand, therefore, that there are two ways of fighting: by law or by force. The first way is natural to men, and the second to beasts. But as the first way often proves inadequate one must have recourse to the second. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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