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NOTICE: Seeking Handicapped Gun Owners

NOTICE: Seeking Physically Disabled Gun Owners
Whose Right to Keep And Bear Arms for 
Self Defense is Being Denied by the State

May 28, 2002

Click for Larger Versions of This Image -- another work of art from Oleg Volk -- One of the most outrageous and disgusting types of anti-self-defense prohibitions we know of involves people who are physically disabled or disadvantaged. There are American veterans of foreign wars -- crippled in the line of duty, no less -- who will go to jail if they are "caught" exercising their right to keep and bear arms. There are women gunowners in wheelchairs who go out on the streets of American cities unarmed because they fear criminal prosecution -- cities where a sane woman should be prepared, and able, to protect herself.


We are currently doing research in the area of armed self-defense for people who have some type of physical disability. We are specifically asking for people who meet the following qualifications to please make contact as soon as possible. If you:

•  have some type of physical disability that makes you more vulnerable to predators than the general population;
live in a city or state where it is illegal to carry a firearm to defend your precious life from violent criminals;
•  are willing to provide specific information about your disability;
•  are a gun owner who feels maligned by your city/state's prohibition on your right to self-defense; and
•  are willing to consider being a plaintiff in an aggressive lawsuit on your behalf, once we get to that stage, OR are at least willing to have details of your situation publicly exposed in the media,

then please get in touch with us, first by email.

When you write, please offer a couple of paragraphs that describe the following:

•  your name, age, race, gender, and specifics about your disability that should be considered by a reasonable person as compelling need for having your right to carry a firearm for self-defensive purposes honored;
•  where you live and what it's like living under an anti-self-defense prohibition with your disability;
•  any attempts you've made to secure your right to keep and bear arms for self-defense, and the results (send scanned images of documentation if you have them available);
•  the extent to which you'd be willing to go, within your own moral boundaries, to restore your rights; and
•  anything else that is in your heart to share.

We'd be especially interested in cases where people with serious disabilities have been arrested for exercising their right to keep and bear arms. If the case is still pending, all the better.

Please note that unless stated otherwise, it will be assumed that the information you share can be used publicly to expose the wrongful violation of your rights.  If you have concerns about your name being made public and you're still willing to share information as long as we maintain your anonymity, consider this a public vow that your anonymity will be honored to the utmost. REPEAT: Under no circumstances will we EVER share your identity unless authorized, by you, to do so -- yet we are looking for folks who'll go public.

Please contact us by emailing Please give your email the subject of KABA DISABLED GUNOWNER.

NOTE: If your disability is such that writing a couple of paragraphs is difficult for you, please at least send your name, city, state and phone number and a note that says you meet the above criteria -- and expect a personal call from a Representative as soon as we are able to get back to you.  Please be patient as we don't know what kind of response this request will yield -- if it's extensive, response time may be longer.

This research was sparked by a man who lives in an anti-self-defense city who has tried repeatedly -- and failed -- to secure legal acknowledgement of his right to keep and bear arms. Unfortunately, we lost contact with this gentleman, his case was strong and compelling, and we know there must be others who've been similarly abused. We consider exploration in this arena to be highly meritorious -- to expose the ruthlessness of the anti-self-defense movement, and to make inroads toward restoring the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the Criminal Empowerment Zones.


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Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. — William Pitt

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