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"It's character, Stupid!"

by Henrietta Bowman

It is really funny. Top Dems were worried about selecting an Orthodox Jew for a running mate for Gore. Lieberman was one of only a couple of Dems with the cods to censor Clinton--even if he did finally give in to peer pressure and vote to acquit Clinton. For a Dem, Lieberman is noted for sticking up for the Constitution--at least when it is convenient.

Gore's "wild card" choice was reported to be Diane Feinstein. She would be a shoe-in for the globalist, pro-abortion, anti-gun crowd and also bring in the Liberal Jewish vote.

The down side is the swing vote--which both parties recognize as critical in this election. Not only would a Feinstein selection negate any possible Republican swing voters, it would alienate any so-called Reagan Democrats.

Believe it or not, there are still a lot of Democrats out there that are very unhappy with the leftist turn of their party. They used to be called "Dixiecrats". These are folks down in the Bible Belt that still believe in character, yet still believe in the Dust-Bowl philosophy that the Dems are the party of the working man. These people remember Clinton promising his administration would be the most ethical in the history of the nation. They believed when they were told government would be reinvented. They believed when they were told schools would be improved. They believed that welfare would end as we know it. They believed Clinton when he said he was favor of tax reductions. They believed Clinton when he said he would fight government corruption. They remember Clinton attacking Poppy Bush for his softness on China, drugs and crime. They believed Clinton when he said he was not only against new taxes--he was in favor of reducing them and protecting the American family. After eight years of Clinton/Gore, they know they have been consistently lied to and they remember!

Joe Lieberman will never serve at the same level of importance that Al Gore has in the Clinton Administration. Why you may is because Joe Lieberman still has a few principles left. On the other hand, Al Gore openly embraced Clinton. Even Al Gore's politically astute mother told Armand Hammer, Jr. to steer clear of Bill Clinton--that Clinton was corrupt and would taint him forever. Mama Gore was right!

After 35 years as a loyal, registered Republican and also as a Constitutional Fundamentalist, this is the last year I let my party loyalty over-ride my constitutional conscience. Even this year, I would vote for the Constitution Party except for one defining reason.

Personally, I can't stand the thought if Gore wins, so do the socialists. It is bad enough to recognize Bush is a globalist, devoted to his father's One-World agenda. At best, electing Bush will only slow down the process of neutering Liberty.

What it does is to give us time to put the Henry Bowman Brigades into place. More and more people are awakening. Damn both parties to bloody Hell!

Bush has his so-called ultra-Conservative Cheney. Gore has his token moderate--a man that occasionally defends the Constitution. Geeze--aren't we all fortunate that the majority of "We, the People" are so well represented! Do you feel like barfing yet? Neither party will allow "third-party" candidates into the presidential debates. We are left with one of two choices--none of which have their fingers on the heartbeat of America.

Even during the time of Lincoln, the tyrant, America essentially had four choices. What really torques me is hearing the Republican Party erroneously called "The party of Lincoln". BS. Lincoln was a Whig. Contrary to popular belief, Lincoln was NOT anti-slavery. What he was as a Henry Clay devotee was pro-tariff.

It has been well-documented the North/South dispute by whatever name you put on it was economically driven rather than ideologically so. Lincoln, for his time was a so-called Centrist.

Today, the danger to the American Republic still comes from the so-called Centrists. These are the "go along to get along" folks on both sides of the aisle. They lack the personal courage to get in your face, up close and personal and support their causes. They know if they state their beliefs clearly, there are some of us in both parties that are going to slap the crap out of them or much worse.

On both sides, your career politicians are Centrists. They want to play both sides of the fence. For the most part, their personal mottos are "don't make waves".

Now is the time to force both sides to make an ideological stand. "Is you is--or is you ain't?" It is also time to let them know that no matter what your personal convictions are, you consider them to be YOUR public servants and if they make a decision contrary to your personal desires as one of their constituents, you reserve the right to kick their sorry asses out of office in record time. Let them know they must abide by their campaign promises that convinced "We, the People" to vote for them.

I don't care where you are Liberal or Conservative. The day of political accountability is here. Are you tired of all of the political lies? I certainly am. Even if you are a Liberal and I hate every damn thing Liberals stand for, I support your right to believe as you choose and your right to have elected representatives to support the way you voted. That doesn't mean I won't try to kick your butt seven ways from sundown, nor will I expect you not to return the favor in spades. Let's just all try to work for political honesty for a change. If we do so, we can put integrity back into the system.

The path America is choosing now is a deliberately divisive one. Either we take back our love of freedom and honor, or we are on a fast slide to Hell. We are in the midst of a culture war. Those of you on the left may not know what you are doing. You not only are giving YOUR Freedom away, but you are trying to drag those of the Right along with you. There is a major problem here--one you really better give some serious thought to.

To start with, you folks talk about democracy and consensus. Right off the bat, you need to learn the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a democracy. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights give some excellent insights to the Liberty-impaired.

Another thing--if you would just take the time to read both the Federalist and Anti-federalist Papers, you would learn the thoughts of the Founding Fathers, especially regarding the personal (as opposed to the collective) right to our unalienable right to keep and bear arms.

Ok, let's say you are a hard-liner regarding your interpretation of the Second Amendment and you think all those old dead white guys are full of crap. Not counting all the criminals out there laughing their butts off every time you pass another gun control law that only the law-abiding obey, just what do you think approximately 80 million gunowners controlling approximately 250 million guns (and growing) are going to do when you tell us we can't have our guns anymore? Just who will have the guts to try to take them from us?

The police, you say? Sorry, but the beat cops don't agree with the Chiefs--who are up to their rears in politics. The boys on the beat will be the first to tell you they only have to solve crimes--not prevent them.

The military you say? Wrong again. Many gun owners are Vets and a lot of us joined law enforcement after we served our country. Some of us only took the oath once to proctect and defend the Constitution against enemies both foreign AND domestic, but we still regard our oaths as sacred. Others have done so several times both as military and civilian LEAs. Guess who we consider the domestic enemy to be--I'll give you a hint--it isn't domestic terrorists or the militias.

Try the Draft-dodger in Chief, the bureaucrats and the jack-booted Alphabet Gang. "Who ya gonna call?" Ghost Busters won't do you a damn bit of good. If YOU are disarmed, just how the Hell do you think you can disarm us, hmmm?

The point is, if you want to leave yourself defenseless against criminals and tyrants, that is your business. We won't try to stop you. The world needs a lot less Libs anyway. Most of us without a "Superhero" complex won't try to defend you, either. However, you keep trying to take our rights away from us, pretty soon you will see the war part of the culture war. It won't be pretty, but at least it won't last long. Look on the bright side. Many of you have fought tooth and nail to have Darwin in our schools. At least you can be a case study for his "survival of the fittest" theory. Too bad you won't be around to say "I told you so".

Henrietta--proud member of the Henry Bowman Brigade


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You are bound to meet misfortune if you are unarmed because, among other reasons, people despise you....There is simply no comparison between a man who is armed and one who is not. It is unreasonable to expect that an armed man should obey one who is unarmed, or that an unarmed man should remain safe and secure when his servants are armed. In the latter case, there will be suspicion on the one hand and contempt on the other, making cooperation impossible. — Niccolo Machiavelli in "The Prince."

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