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Victory by Mitosis
by Angel Shamaya
Copyright 2000,
All Rights Reserved

The problem with tyrants is that they breed.  Their use of lies and deceptions through the media only increases the infestation.  Like a toothache that won’t go away but instead just gets worse.  Until you pull it.

Fortunately, we know their weak spot, and we’d like to reveal it to as many people as possible.  Will you help us?

The best way to do this is in a game.  People like games.  I like games.  They're fun.  Let's play a game.  This whole game will only take you about 20 minutes if you play it as intelligently as you possibly can.  And if you PLAY BY THE RULES, we'll all win together.  Games have rules, you know.  And if you play this game, BY THE RULES, we will win back America.  If you play this game BY THE RULES, we will put a very quick end to the persecution of we American Citizens' right to keep and bear arms.  This is an IMPORTANT GAME, but it's a game, so make it fun.  I'll see you at the Victory Party.

To play The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM, BY THE RULES, click here.
















Rule #1

You have to set aside 20 minutes to play this game.  (No cheating.  Remember, this game is IMPORTANT.)  If you do not right now have 20 minutes to play The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM, come back when you have 20 minutes to invest in the future of your country.  It's okay to play for more than 20 minutes, but NOT LESS. 

Assuming you have 20 minutes, RIGHT NOW, click here for Rule #2.



















This is not Rule #2 yet.  Just wanted to make sure you're not trying to CHEAT.  We're playing The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM here!  America was built by people of INTEGRITY.  You cannot expect to win The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM if you cheat!  If you have 20 minutes right now and are playing by the rules, send love and prayers to the cheaters who don't really have 20 minutes right now but clicked anyway, and click here for the real Rule #2.




















Rule #2

You must play this game like the future of your nation depends on how well you play.  It does.  This is not just some "game", you know.  It's a REAL game, with REAL results.  Play for keeps.  Play like your very future and the future generations are counting on YOU to play it like you MEAN IT.  If you're ready to play by the rules, and play it like you mean it, and truly have 20 minutes to invest, RIGHT NOW, click here for Rule #3.




















Rule #3

You must do EXACTLY what each STEP in the game says to do.  No deviation, whatsoever.  Remember, this is a 20 minute investment of your time and when we win, America is ours again.  America was built on HONOR, so keep that in mind.  You're on your honor.  Click here for the final rule, and then we'll begin The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM.




















Rule #4

If at any time during the game you realize that you're going to break ANY of the rules, you must stop the game and start over at the beginning when you can follow all of the rules.  All of these Rules are important, but this one is IMPORTANT. 

Only if you understand all of the rules and are ready to play The RECLAIM AMERICA GameTM right this minute, click here for Step #1.  If you would like to read all of the rules again so you are sure you understand them, click here.





















Step #1  (1 minute)

Get yourself in a space where there is no possible way you can be interrupted.  Turn off your phone and close your door.  If there is someone around who might possibly interrupt you for some reason, tell them you need 20 minutes of absolute silence.  Tell them it is very important, and make yourself heard.  When you've got your space cleared and quieted, go to Step #2.




















Step #2  (5 minutes)

You're going to use your IMAGINATION in this step.  You've got 5 minutes, so turn your Imagination on High and use it in a very concentrated way.  Stop each time you're given something to imagine, and IMAGINE IT.  See it, feel it, experience it as REAL.

A)  Imagine every gun owner and liberty advocate in America registered to vote and voting for the best candidate for every position where they are qualified to vote.  See specific gun owners you know, voter's registration card in hand, making The Right Choice.

B)  Imagine all infringing gun laws repealed.  Every last one of them, gone out of existence.  Now imagine all lawful people being allowed to carry a self-defense tool freely in every state in the nation.  Visualize states like Massachusetts, Ohio...D.C.--with citizens' rights completely restored, just like in the Constitution.

C)  Imagine the crime rates in those areas plummeting to record lows.  See the criminals scared to commit crimes because citizens now use their self-defense tools to stop them in their tracks.  See news stories of citizens taking the streets back.  Listen to a specific news report on a major network where a woman is heralded like the Good Citizen she is for shooting a repeat rapist who tried to have his way with her at knifepoint.  Hear the Mayor of her city thanking her, and see it broadcast nationwide with a sense of pride and decency.

D)  Imagine politicians being held accountable for their illegal actions.  Visualize tribunals where long-withheld information comes to the public eye and, under scrutiny, scads of corrupt politicians are put out of office and in some cases behind bars for the ways they defiled our country.  See them apologizing on television to the citizens they ripped off, lied to and deceived.  Pick a specific politician you know or know of who deserves serious reprimand for defying this great country, and see this person paying for behaving in such unAmerican ways.

E)  Imagine Real Leaders in office--men and women you truly trust.  Imagine the body of American Citizens so unified you know in your heart this nation will be just fine.

F)  Now imagine how you feel about where your country now stands.  Give yourself permission to really FEEL at peace about America again.  Dig deep into your heart and soul, and FEEL AMERICA'S HEART HEALED.  Swell in Patriotic Pride for this beautiful nation of Free Citizens, hold every feeling and image in your mind, heart, and body, and let yourself ease into Step #3.

It's okay if you go over your time on this step.




















Step #3  (2 minutes)

Pick your most favorite song that to you says AMERICA.  That first one that comes to you.  That's it.  You don't even have to know all the words, or even the name of the song.  Just feel it, and Sing it.  Belt it out like the whole nation is feeling your song coming right from your heart--far beyond your words or sounds--just pure America in Song.  SING!  If you're in a place where people would think you're batty, sing it really loud and clear--in your head.  You can do that, you know.  Sing in your head like you're in front of a stadium of people who only agree with you, and sing it to them like you were blessed with the sweetest voice on Earth.  Sing your song that says FREEDOM.  And sing it until you're done.  It's okay to go over your 2 minutes on this step.

When you are ready, click here to see what we're going to do with the 2000 elections.






















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To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them... — Richard Henry Lee

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