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by Charles M. Richardson, B.S., M.S., P.E.

When I was growing up, we were proud -- and encouraged -- to proclaim that United States is the greatest country in the world. Today children are DIScouraged -- yea almost forbidden -- to say that obvious truth for fear we might "damage the self-esteem of some minority ethnic group." WHY??!!

You need to ask yourself what it is about America that makes it one of few nations to guard its borders to keep people OUT, whereas others guard to keep people IN! Ask what is so unique about America that millions, from every other part of the world, literally risk EVERYTHING just TO GET HERE! They stow away on cargo ships and swim ashore, just to get here. They let themselves be sealed up in boxcars or shipping containers, risking their lives, and paying dearly of their assets for the privilege, JUST to GET HERE. They float on flimsy rafts in shark-infested waters from Cuba or Haiti, past the Cuban patrol snipers, knowingly, even eagerly, risking life and limb, JUST to GET HERE. This has happened with NO OTHER NATION in the history of the world.

For some answers you need to read Balint Vazsoni's elegant book, AMERICA'S 30- YEARS WAR: WHO IS WINNING? (ISBN 0-19-827997-3) Vazsoni was born in Hungary, lived under Nazi occupation, then under the Communists, came to America in the '50's. Learned in history and philosophy, he describes the differences between the Western cultures based on Roman law vs those based on English law. Roman law had a central concept or theory for everything. If one wanted to do something outside the theory, it was not permitted. The central power of the STATE controlled all.

English law since the Magna Carta, by contrast, has no such shackles, permits the individual FREEDOM to experiment/innovate as long as societal harm does not result. It judges the pragmatic result of the individual's actions. All one need do is compare the social progress of the English-speaking nations vs the rest of the world to see what difference(s) the FREEDOM has wrought.

The framers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution went even one better, and founded a government accountable to the PEOPLE, the greatest experiment in human FREEDOM in the history of the world. Despite its flaws, it has led the world in securing FREEDOM for others, including the abolition of slavery. What black Americans are today emigrating from even the worst of America's ghettos to Africa to make themselves a better life? What keeps them in America despite their poverty? And what still fuels the steady push from the rest of the world JUST to GET HERE? I submit it is our unique F R E E D O M!

The other distinction Vazsoni draws is between the societal concept of "equal justice before the law" and the fuzzy collectivist idea of "social justice." The former clearly implies that the law treat everyone equally: the statue of Justice, blindfolded to block any temptation to bias her scales. Social justice, by contrast, is a Marxist idea that somehow every person should share equally in the national largess: outcomes -- not opportunities or accountabilities -- must somehow be "equal," and central government must see to it by controlling "everything." The problems arise in the struggles to see who shall do the controlling. And if there's controlling, there goes the FREEDOM! Today Vazsoni's insightful columns appear in Washington Times and other places.

The frighteningly rapid progress of the social-justice hawkers in the past few decades David Horowitz points out in his sharply-pointed pamphlet, "It's a War, Stupid!" from which I have circulated excerpts. The extreme left forces have sneakily taken over the allegedly ideal "liberal" center, and now proceed to attack conservatives as the "extreme right." This, Horowitz points out, is despite the fact that conservative ideas have won the day in terms of their recognition for merit and common sense. The trouble is that the left always knows it's in a war (Horowitz was there!), but conservatives only in the few weeks before elections, and sometimes their most warlike act is shooting themselves in the foot! In Horowitz's new book, HATING WHITEY, (ISBN 1- 890626--09-0) he points out how the left is deliberately inciting African- Americans to focus fanatically on their frustrations.

The human frailties implicit in the above are succinctly captured in Professor Alexander Tytler's oft-quoted thesis on the fragility of a democracy (Circa 1770): "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. "The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back into bondage."

We in the U.S., circa 2000, appear somewhere between apathy and dependency!

Anyone not too apathetic (or dependent) to look can see much evidence the agenda of the UN, with the aid of the Clintonistas, as being the establishment of a one-world government based on collectivist ideas (notice I did not say "principles!"), that their central focus, therefore, must necessarily be on the implantation of CONTROL! (Bondage!) Once you recognize that, many other events (dots) are easier to connect.

To transform a target "culture" through its own institutions, which institutions would you choose? Obviously education and the media. We thus see a three-pronged attack aimed at CONTROL: Prong #1 is the legislating of ever tighter controls using any available or manufactured pretexts: guns, wiretaps, financial transaction monitoring, a national ID card, etc. Prong #2 is socio- political and scientific turmoil, promoting world citizenship as supplanting our patriotic heritage, creating ignorance, ill health, hardship and frustration leading to increased violence so as to produce a society more in need of controlling. Prong #3 is the deliberate dumbing-down of literacy and American history, the psychological sedatives of wall-to-wall professional sports, booming markets, and the cultivation of the illusion of government benevolence, trading liberties for security, so as to tranquilize the populace into the apathy, complacency, and ignorance to accept the CONTROL.

The manufactured crisis of HIV-AIDS (See serves a three-fold purpose: (1) It creates social and scientific turmoil, (2) it bleeds a lot of money out of our economy, and (3) it holds a club over parents to bully them into letting their children get sex education at inappropriately young ages.

The UN's own book, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD, (ISBN 0-19-827997-3) lays it all out, including a schedule to spring the trap in the year 2000. They're running behind schedule, so will probably pull something spectacular to try to make it happen. Tom DeWeese's bulletins and now Gary Kah's schedule (fax available) will help you watch the players by number and position. I just hope Jesse Helms' courageous confrontation of the UN will wake up enough people.




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