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Bob Baird
Voice: (909) 360-5318/(714) 692-3800
Fax: (714) 692-3838

Washington DC, August 14, 2000

The second year of the March for Liberty is a GO! The National Park Service has provided a public gathering permit (dated: 02/22/00 #00-0460) for a PRO-Constitution rally supported by American patriots from across America. This event is scheduled on Saturday, October 7, 2000 to be held at the Lincoln Memorial at the steps (reflecting pool) from 9AM-6PM. Many speakers will attend.

<<<Text of announcement follows>>>

As we are about to embark upon the 21st century and the year 2000 elections, the citizens of the United States can be proud of the great accomplishments toward the ever expanding influence of Liberty.

America's freedom serves as an icon, second to none in the world; an example of the blessings that shower upon her as a result of respecting one another, taking personal responsibility for one's actions, valuing hard work, building strong families, and embracing a deep abiding faith in the hand of Providence.

However, with those blessings of Liberty comes an awesome responsibility. It is within the expectation of Providence that where "much is given, much is required." We are the stewards of this land. We are the nurturers of independence. And it is we who will ultimately pay the price by facing the consequences of our apathy if we continually allow our Liberty blessings to slip away.

Instead, we must mount the steed, snap the reigns, and thrust our banner high in the air, a banner that reads: Wake Up America! Take up your place and stand your ground in the cause of Liberty!" We must awaken the populace to the violation of the rule of law by the imposing of unjust legislation, unjust court decisions, unjust policy making, and unjust Executive Orders. In addition to the perversion of the system, we see the slow erosion of our nation's sovereignty through the agenda-driven arrogance of our entrusted elected officials, and their blatant unwillingness to represent the real pulse of the American people. We have witnessed how that self-serving representation has catered to the powers of economic and political globalization at the expense of our nation's honor and integrity.

Yet most Americans sit complacently under the umbrella of economic prosperity. We observe a world that puts self (money) before principle and how this mentality is destroying the very fabric of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

There is a growing sentiment that all organizations which are dedicated to preserving and defending the Constitution need to join together under one banner, a banner which will, simply, seek to re-define the Constitution as the cornerstone of America, and to reclaim those parts of it which have been dismantled by the enemies of America, both foreign and domestic.

Such is the focus for the March for Liberty. The march is nothing new, nothing profound; it is merely the reemergence of an old idea; an idea that is grounded in an ageless endowment: The idea that we have a right to peaceably assemble; to redress our grievances; to shake our very fists at the Establishment declaring, "We are not going to take it anymore! We are sickened by the selling out of our moral authority for opportunistic economic policy with communist countries. We are FED up with the slow, yet obvious abdication of our sovereignty to the UN. We are indignant with the level of taxation and the unwillingness to return our hard earned dollar even in times of plenty. We are mortified by persistent funding of a failed welfare state only to see it being projected on the world at large. We are "sick and tired of being sick and tired!"

Patriots, hear the call of Providence to rise up and return to the simple order of thingsan order that was carefully laid out by our Founders, with a vision unmatched in the history of mankind. Such is the objective to March for Liberty. It is not an Organization. It is not a Corporation. It is not a special interest group. It is a forum!

A forum for which family building, freedom loving, God fearing, peoples of this land can advance their grievances and petition our elected officials to get their self-serving behaviors back on track or, they will be ousted!

March for Liberty is a forum for the largest Political Action Committee in the land; and the name of that PAC is WTPOTUS, which is to say, WeThePeopleOfTheUnitedStates. MarchforLiberty will serve as a voice.

Gently, yet boldly, encouraging our fellow Americans to use their affluence, as well as their influence, to warn those who are seeking to steal our liberties and the very sovereignty of our nation, that we will not sit idly by while that which was gained for us through the sacrifice of those who went beforeour rightful freedom inheritanceis taken from us.

Such is our prayer for the March for Liberty: That we might gather as a unified body and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow patriots; so that we might mushroom our concerns and awaken Main Street, as well as Wall Street; small town, as well as big city; grassroots, as well as disconnected pockets of Americans all over this great land.

As all the ships of Freedom sail helpless in the fog of obscurity, March for Liberty is a beacon that brings us all to dock on the shores of unity. And just as the sun rises ever so slowly on dawn's horizon and gradually dissipates the thick fogs of the night, so can WTPOTUS evaporate the forthcoming fog of tyranny.

Jeffery J. Cole, co-organizer



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Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands? — Patrick Henry, 3 J. Elliot, Debates in the Several State Conventions 45, 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1836

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