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WALKING IN BEAUTY by The Shooting Shaman

The Shooting Shaman

Are you a Patriot?

Are you a Warrior?

Are you an American?

What is a loyal American Patriotic Warrior?

This address is to all my fellow American citizens. This is a call to alertness so that we might stand as one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!

This call to alertness is a wake-up call to step into sobriety and stand prepared, outside of any and all belief systems, thought-forms or structures. Especially those that do not allow us to have the capability to respond to a CALL TO ARMS if and when enemies either foreign or domestic threaten our nation's liberty.

The most sacred gift of God or the Great Spirit, to me, is the gift of individual autonomous freedom--with the blessing of free thinking and free will, that allows me to assume authority, take responsibility and stand accountable at all times and in all ways. I am by definition, therefore, a loyal American.

But this is not enough in these troubling times. Our government is waging war against our fundamental freedoms, especially the guaranties in the sacred document of our Bill of Rights--the right to Keep and Bear Arms. Like a domestic enemy, (especially All Gore and company) our government is bringing war to the people. Their demand for registration and eventually confiscation of all firearms will be a call to arms for all Patriots! We are at WAR. A Patriot understands that WAR is an acronym, for being Willing, Able and Ready to see what must be seen and know what must be done; and who takes care of business with maximum efficiency and minimum effort in the preservation of liberty and freedom. The Patriot has Principles inside of a CAUSE that they will not, under any circumstance, surrender or sacrifice. These CAUSES are never emotionally-based belief systems, rather they are carefully constructed, logically integrated, clear understandings of Justice. The Patriot, like the Warrior, is someone who is Willing, Able and Ready to die for that CAUSE. It is their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness with freedom! "Give me liberty or give me death" is the single most valid statement of a true Patriot!

There are some that hold to the concept that life is more sacred than death. To those people I say "Wake up and step into reality!" Life in and of itself is an engagement in exploring the full blessing, beauty and power within any experience. Life must have meaning and purpose, and it must evolve. Most people who say that life is preferable to death are willing to settle for existence and security rather than a life with liberty. This a Warrior never does, for a Warrior knows that death gives life. A Warrior walks with death standing to his/her left as an advisor. In this way death is also The Great Changer. The Great Changer allows us to grow up, mature and make a difference in our world.

The Warrior also recognizes that change is inevitable and must lead to evolution of humanity. Therefore, the Warrior listens to death's advice for making positive changes in both their substance (health) and behavior (life). The Warrior also has death to his right as an Ally. This is their willingness to sacrifice their life in the name of liberty and justice in order to preserve the life of the children, the elders, and the weak or afflicted who can't defend themselves.

For this Warrior, "today is a good day to die" for the cause of Liberty! The Warrior has death inside his heart, mind, body and soul, as a companion that brings him/her comfort, security and peace. You see, a Warrior can't live without the Liberty that is expressly elaborated in both the Preamble and the ten Amendments of the Bill of Rights of the united States constitution! The Warrior is a sovereign citizen of the state within which they vote and live. A warrior is a person of the people.

Now is the time for all good men and women to stand up in this call of alertness as loyal Americans and Patriot Warriors. To do this is to recognize the meaning of the word "Militia" in the 2nd Amendment. The entire above address is what is meant by "well regulated" i.e. totally trained, capable and prepared to defend this country.

The Warrior understands (as my people of Turtle Island know) that the number 10 represents completion through confrontation. Measure is one's full value assessment of self-acceptance, self-deservement and self worth as a human being. Humans live in unity as humanity. Humans care for one another, share with one another, teach one another, and heal one another. Most important, they love one another as a part of their giveaway to life and others.

In order to evolve itself, Creation finds its measure in 10 distinct steps towards completion. Each step is a confrontation to increase its measure. We humans are the most determinant piece of these 10 steps of creation, for we are the cellular body structure of the Great Spirit in Human form.

The 1st amendment is the focus step of our measure, for we are all part of the Great Spirit or God's Grand Design. This Sacred Nation is and always has been the Sacred Hollow ground for the Great Spirit's Grand Design of Liberty within Human form. The 2nd Amendment is the substance of our measure. The 3rd Amendment is the form step of our measure. The 4th Amendment is the determination of our measure. The 5th Amendment is the understanding step of our measure. The 6th Amendment is the imagination of our measure. The 7th Amendment is the freedom of our measure. The 8th Amendment is the pattern of our measure. The 9th Amendment is the chaos of our measure. The 10th Amendment is the completion of our measure.

In conclusion, I offer a prayer in my people's way to each person who feels he/she is a loyal American Patriotic Warrior:

"Oh, Great Spirit (use your name for Creation, the Creator or the Creatress for it is all one and the same), let me see with your eyes. Let me hear with your ears. Let me know with your mind. Let me feel with your heart and touch with your hands all those with whom I interact with Beauty. Oh, Great Spirit, let me walk in Beauty as a peaceful Warrior. Oh, Great Spirit, let me live in Beauty. Let Beauty be around me, above me and below me at all times in this walk talk Circle of Life. Let me take in the Beauty you send down to me. Oh, Great Spirit, let me walk in Beauty. Let Beauty be in front of me, that I might always see the Beauty in life and others. Let me walk in Beauty. Let Beauty be behind me so that all who come after me can see that I have walked in Beauty. Oh, Great Spirit, let me take in Beauty from my receptive creative feminine side, my left side. Let me walk in Beauty. Oh, Great Spirit, let me reach out and touch the world from my right side, with my active conceptive male energy, so I might touch life and others with my Beauty. Oh, Great Spirit, let me walk in Beauty. In this way I ask these things as taught to me by my elders and teachers and their elders and teachers since always. Hear me for I have spoken. HO, Amen

Thunder Strikes A.k.a. "The Shooting Shaman" H.S. "Gunnie" Reagan, Ph.D., D.D.

Swift Deer's blood is half Cherokee and half Irish. On the Irish side, his ancestors have been on this soil now known as America for 10 generations. (Who knows how far back the Cherokee go?) Before he "woke up" to the lighter side of being a liberty advocate, Swift Deer operated in "black ops" for the CIA and the NSA. In his sphere of influence, he is deeply revered as a Shaman and a Medicine Man. People come from Europe to learn ancient ways from him, year after year. Quite a number have even taken up permanent residence in Arizona to be able to have regular access to his wisdom. He is also a trained Psychologist, Teacher, Author of several books, and he runs his own Self-Growth and Development Center in Scottsdale Arizona. He also runs his own dojo for martial arts training and runs his own monthly gun club and competition.

Swift Deer is a Patron/Life member of NRA and a certified Instructor in Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Personal Protection, and Home Defense Safety as well as a teacher of Hunter Safety programs. He is a certified Range Master who holds life memberships in SASS and Citizen Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and has been an active member in Gun Owners of America and the Second Amendment Foundation for the last 10 Years.

He is a very active competitive shooter in IPSC/USPSA, IDPA and SASS. He is also a former Force Recon Marine, Master Gunnery Sergeant and a Vietnam veteran. He served in Law Enforcement and security work as a Personal Executive Protection Specialist. He and his beautiful wife, Diane, are Arizona Department of Public Safety CCW instructors as well as licensed FFL dealers. I list this man's history and background so our readers might realize who is Speaking to them as a Constitutional Patriot. Swift Deer is adamantly pro Liberty and pro Freedom. It was through a few long, personal, soul-searching talks with this outstanding human being that our organization was born. ~~ Angel Shamaya, Director,

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Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. — JOHN BRADSHAW

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