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Alberdon Migorsevic

by Alan L. Lundy


October 2, 2000

Today Yugoslavia is in the grip of political turmoil. At issue: will President Slobodon Milosevic honor the results of the recent election and cede the presidency to his rival Vojislav Kostunica, or will he use force to retain his hold on power? 


November 17, 2000 

Today America is in the grip of political turmoil. At issue: will Vice President Albert A. Gore Jr. honor the results of the recent election and cede the presidency to his rival George W. Bush, or will he use force to retain his party's hold on the White House? 

It seems the Vice President and his leftists here in America have found a role model in Mr. Milosevic -- and a strategy as well. Albert A. Gore Jr. for all intents and purposes shall from this point on be referred too as Alberdon Migorsevic. 

While the US fully expected to see Serbian President Slobodon Milosevic lose his bid for reelection, they felt he would somehow manage to steal it through a combination of intimidation and fraud. I don't think the international community had the same misgivings about Mr. Migorsevic. Regardless of how they try to spin it, Migorsevic is attempting this same strategy here in America. In 1996 Milosevic ordered the election victories of his opposition party be overturned. In the year 2000 Migorsevic is demanding the process and the rule of law be overlooked concerning this past election. Why? BECAUSE HE LOST! 

Mr. Milosevic relied on his heavy hand through intimidation, a government controlled media and military loyalists in order to retain his power. If all else failed he would simply make a last minute "fix" to gain the election. In the end though, he realized it was hopeless and ceded to his rival. 

Mr. Migorsevic is now adopting the tactics of his apparent mentor from Serbia. He wants to pervert and poison the process by declaring the "not fair" rule and the "maybe we need to rethink the process" rule, with his loyal allies of
Big Media pushing and prodding the sheeple all the way. 

With all the attributes of a spoiled child, Migorsevic is determined to have this election go "his" way by any means necessary. By trying to fool the country into thinking that he is only following the will of the people he smiles at the camera and attempts to absolve himself as though he's innocent and his hands are tied. Meanwhile in Florida, his minions are hard at work stirring the public flames and shopping for friendly Judges. 

The folks in Florida have had their say. They went into the voting booth, poked the hole, marked the spot, or pulled the lever of their choice, as did the rest of the country. They then went home to watch Big Media play with it's crystal ball and work magic for it's masters. Folks in Florida who exercised their right to vote did, so and the verdict was read. But because it didn't follow the will of Migorsevic, hundreds of mini-Slobodons now whisper in the ears of the faithful that their rights were somehow violated since he didn't win. "Recount, revote, foul, disenfranchised, stop the presses, do not pass go, every vote must count, we will be heard"! 

Oh, the agony of it all when the liberals don't have their way. 

Make no mistake about it. Migorsevic will not go gracefully. He and his opponent both have been heavily financed by those who are dead set on seeing a return on their investment. Migorsevic has an obligation to his handlers to continue their war on our Constitution and it's rule of law. There has been much said about Alberdon Migorsevic and the fact that this is what his whole life has been about. As though this is his moment in time and he shouldn't be denied his destiny. I offer this in place of the manifest destiny claim; Alberdon Migorsevic is only another rung on the ladder of the globalist's agenda -- people who are not willing to see their brave new world of global citizen disarmament, borderless nations, forced "peace" on earth and the eventual enslavement of us all, set back a single step. Migorsevic is insignificant as an individual to the gods of globalism; what they hope to further achieve through him is the all important factor. 

Don't expect Alberdon Migorsevic to ever concede this election. If by some miracle, the Democrats don't prevail in the courts or with public opinion, they will never let this die a natural death. Migorsevic will use every opportunity to continue his appeal to the American people that he's the rightful owner of the robe! 

If Migorsevic does prevail, he will have stolen the election and it will be the beginning of the end for the real American people. Some political hacks have referred to us as a Banana Republic in the eyes of the world since this fiasco began. They need look no farther than the Balkans to get their analysis. 

In the November 1996 elections, Milosevic's supporters won a mere plurality of the vote. After massive demonstrations, Milosevic was forced to admit that he and his supporters stole the municipal elections the following year. Massive protests broke out following those elections and Yugoslavia's defeat in the 1999 Kosovo war. 

Slobodan Milosevic and Alberdon Migorsevic.  

I can't see a lot of difference between the two. Can you?

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